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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Dániel Balogh.
Halantas. M: a small and raised J shape with the bottom closed into a loop (or not); almost as small as an anusvāra and at the same position, but with a tail rising on the right. E.g. L2 abhivarddhitānāM, l4 sthitīnāM, l12 sarvveṣāM. N: reduced with long stem (like a lambda). E.g. l32, peNbidi-boyasya.
Original punctuation. The opening symbol is a dextrorse spiral of about 1 full turn, with a tail at the bottom right. L17 onward, in the list, a plain double vertical is used with some consistency, but often omitted, and sometimes replaced by a single plain vertical, e.g. l22, muyyarddhaṁśaḥ|; l33, Ekkaṁśaḥ| and regularly 5r (but then the double bar dominates again). A triple vertical bar is used at the end of the second (last) stanza, before the colophon.
Other palaeographic observations. Fleet (p. 186): "The anusvāra is written usually above the line, but is sometimes irregularly palced; and in a few cases it is written on the bottom line,—e.g., in Ciṁthūr-boyasya, l. 24; Aṁjaśarmmaṇa, ll. 28 and 29-30, Veṁṇiśarmaṇa, l. 34, and Maṁdu-boyasya, l. 59." In l2 rddhi, the repha is fully inside vowel mark, probably because stū above would have interfered with a regular execution. In many toponyms, anusvāra is placed atop the next character and has been read where it seems appropriate.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.
Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml file.
svasti śrīmatāṁ sakvaśīala-bhuvana-saṁstūyamāna-mānavya-sagotrāṇāṁ hāritī-putrā
pta-loka-mātr̥bhir mātr̥bhir abhivarddhitānāM kārttikeya-parirakṣaṇa-prāpta-rājya-vibhavānāṁ
tāṁ mah
kyānāṁ kulam alaṁkariṣṇ
viditam astu sarvveṣāM
trāya nāgaśarmmaṇa
-gotrasya kattiśarmmaṇa putra kandaśarmmaṇa putra kappaśarmmaṇa catāri Aṁśaḥ
kappaśarmmaṇa Eka Aṁśaḥ
ṇa E
punaṁ-boyasya kāśy
bhāradvāja-gotra sarvvaśarmmaṇa Ekkaṁśaḥ
rmmaṇa putra jeṭṭiśarmmaṇa Ekkaṁśaḥ
śarmmaṇa putra samudraśarmmaṇa Ekkaṁśaḥ
ṁjaśarmmaṇa Ekkaṁśaḥ
putra vasuśarmmaṇa E
śarmmaṇa Ekkaṁśaḥ
baśarmmaṇa Ekkaṁśaḥ| bhāradvāja-gotra Agniśarmmaṇa putra vināyaśarmmaṇa putra sarvvaśarmma
ṇa dvayaṁ
paummuddi-boyasya kauṇḍilya-gotra devaśarmmaṇa dvayaṁśaḥ
dūdi-boyasya kauṇḍilya-gotra gabotaśarmmaṇa Ek
vaśarmmaṇa Ek
ri Aṁśaḥ
pa-gotra kumāraśarmmaṇa Ekkaṁśaḥ| ponnaḷūr-boyasya kāśy
veṁgi-boyasya kāśy
ṇḍilya-gotra bhaṭṭiśarmmaṇa Arddhaṁśaḥ| keśava-boyasya bhāradvāja-gotra vināyaśarmmaṇa
pulkontha-boyasya kāśy
kkaṁśaḥ| keśava-boyasya vināyaśarmmaṇa Ekkaṁśaḥ| puna vināyaśarmmaṇa Ekkaṁśaḥ| māra
rekādi-boyasya revaśarmmaṇa Ekkaṁśaḥ
gotra kandaśarmmaṇa Ekkaṁśaḥ
tra vīraśarmmaṇa Ekkaṁśaḥ
śarmmaṇa Ekkaṁśaḥ
-gotra nandiśarmmaṇa Ekkaṁśaḥ
ṇa Ekkaṁśaḥ
bala-vijayārogya-nimittam asmābhiḥ samprāpta
-nakṣatre budha-
Greetings. The grandson of His Majesty King
Let future
There has never been and will never be a gift surpassing the gift of land, nor has there ever been or will ever be a sin
In the second year of the continuing reign, in the bright fortnight of the month Caitra, on the tenth
Prospérité ! Le petit-fils du grand roi Viṣṇuvardhana, dont les bannières de victoire acquises dans les heurts des nombreux combats, illuminent le cercle complet des horizons, ornement de la lignée des Calukya, illustres, du même
que ceci soit connu de tous : nous donnons dans le viṣaya de Karmarāṣṭra, au milieu des villages suivants, Pasiṇḍi, Paṁṟunidu, Mrānumi, Delkontha et Rāvinūyu, le village nommé Reyūru,
en vue
Il n’existe pas et n’existera pas de don égal à celui d’une terre, Il n’existe pas et n’existera pas de crime égal à celui de son vol.
Beaucoup ont donné une terre, beaucoup l’ont protégée, celui qui possède la terre en possède le fruit.
La deuxième année de notre auguste règne, au mois de Caitra, pendant la quizaine claire, le mercredi, sous la constellation de Maghā, sur les lieux de Budha, à partir des ordres
The outer (recto) face of the first plate has been recycled: it bears illegible vestiges of 6 (perhaps 7) lines of previous writing. A fair portion of 4 recto also appears to be a palimpsest, with some areas chiselled out before engraving the current text. This seems to affect most of the first five lines on this page, but is most conspicuous in the area delimited by the binding hole and the upper left corner, with some vestiges of earlier writing visible at the beginning of the first line.
The opening symbol is slightly above the level of line 1 and outside the margin (in fact mostly on the raised rim), so I encode it as a separate line. The first five plates have six lines on each inscribed face; the last two have 4 to 5. The first four lines on 4 recto are very closely spaced, giving rise to some unusually composed characters (see apparatus). There is also plenty of surface roughness on this page (whereas all others are mostly pristine), and some marks that may be traces of erased characters. It seems possible that this plate was first engraved with four rather uneven lines, taking up approximately the page area now covered by five lines, and that subsequently, these four lines were struck out and the five extant lines were engraved over them, finally adding the sixth line.
Can the instances of kauṇḍilya in this text be scribal errors for śāṇḍilya? kau looks a bit like śā and the engraver could have mistaken a pre-written text that way. The instance in l17 actually seems to contain the strokes for ś except for the loop on the left leg, which has migrated to the right leg to pretend to be the loop of k.
Edited from the original by J. F. Fleet (