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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Dániel Balogh.
Halantas. N: full-size without headmark, l15 pramukhāN. M: if correctly read in l27 phalaM, then a small J shape with barely a bit of a hook, almost just a short vertical stroke. Read by Kielhorn as a punctuation mark. Indistinct at the end of line 27 (read as an unclear M by Kielhorn). The M is quite clear in l28 vasundharāM, definitely a simple J shape.
Other palaeographic observations. Anusvāra is usually at headline height after the character to which it pertains, but it is on top of the next character in the seal legend (which Kielhorn transliterates as tribhuvanakuṁśa), and in l16 kuṭuṁbinas (where Kielhorn transliterates as expected, and only mentions the position of the anusvāra in a note), l17 Āpastaṁbha (Kielhorn: bhaṁ, no emendation), l21 °ālaṁkatāya (Kielhorn does not read it); l25 saṁgraha (Kielhorn: sagraṁha).
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ti-putrāṇām kauś
sādita-vara-varāha-lāñchanekṣaṇa-kṣaṇa-vaśīkr̥tārāti-maṇḍalānāṁ Aśva
riṣṇor vvividha-yuddha-labdha-vijaya-siddhe
masya pautraḥ pratāpāvanata-para-maṇḍala-nr̥pati-maṇḍalasya śrī-vi
rā-praśamita-para-cakra-vikramaḥ śak
Iva lakṣmī-prabh
ra Iva
tir atula-tulā-dhr̥ta-kaḷadhauta-dhauta-durbala-malinaḥ para
ma-brahmaṇyo viṣ
ḍi-viṣaye va
kuṭuṁbinas sarvvān ittham ājñāpayati
viditam astu vo
tte Asminn eva grāme dvādaśa-khaṇḍika-kodrava-bīja-saṁsthānaṁ
pūrvvataḥ koṟṟapaṟu-sīm
Greetings. The grandson of Vikramarāma
Let it be known to you that on the occasion of an eclipse of the sun we have given in this very village a field comprising
The executor
He who would seize land, whether given by himself or by another, shall be born as a worm in faeces for sixty thousand years.
Prospérité ! le petit-fils de Vikramarāma, Vijayasiddhi,
qu’il soit connu de vous que, par nous, à Padma-Bhaṭṭāraka, habitant Minamini, du
L’exécuteur de ce don, immaculé, trésor du dharma,
Beaucoup ont donné une terre, beaucoup l’ont protégée, celui qui possède la terre en possède le fruit.
Qu’elle soit donnée par lui ou par un autre, celui qui prend une terre, renaît ver de terre dans les excréments pendant soixante mille ans.
According to Naṭeśa Śāstrī, the name of the findspot is transliterated Īḍeru. Kielhorn uses Ēḍēru. A village named Iḍiyūru is mentioned (as a bordering village) in lines 64 and 66 of the Kalucuṁbaṟṟu grant of Amma II, which Fleet in the preamble to his edition (
Naṭeśa Śāstrī does not discuss the issuer. Kielhorn says he was Vijayāditya II, without any discussion or reasoning. Estienne-Monod cautiously assigns the plates to Vijayāditya I or II, though she seems to prefer Vijayāditya I because of the epithet
A rudimentary translation was published in Madras Government Order No. 367 of 7 April 1873.