Cendaṟa grant of Jayasiṁha II Encoding Dániel Balogh intellectual authorship of edition Dániel Balogh DHARMA Berlin DHARMA_INSVengiCalukya00060

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Seal śrī-sarvvasiddhi

svasti. śrīmatā sakala-jagadat-saṁstuūyamāna-mānavya-sagotrāṇā hāriti-putrāṇā sapta-loka-mātr̥bhir mmātr̥bhiḥ paripālitānāṁ bhagavaT-svaāmi-mahāsena-pāda-vbhaktānā śrīman-nārāyana-prasāda-samaāsādita-vara-varāha-lāñcchanekṣana-kṣaṇa-vaśīkr̥taārāti-maṇḍalānāṁ Aśvamedhāvabhr̥ttha-snāna-pavitkr̥ta-vapuṣā calukhyānā kulam alaṁkāariṣṇo| śrī-viṣṇuvarddhana-mahārājasya priya-tanaya pratāpopanata-samasta-sāmanta-maṇḍalo vijayasiddhir iti velāntopa-giīyamaāna-cāru-kīrtti śrī-sarvvalokāśraya-mahaārāja. tasya putraḥ svaāsi-dhāraā-namita-ripu-nr̥pati-makuṭa-taṭa-ghaṭita-maṇi-mayuūkkha-puñja-mañjarita-pāda-pāatdma-yugala ravir iva pratāpavāNcandra Iva sarvva-jana-mano-nayana-nandana guha Ivaāpratihata-śaktiśakti-traya-sampanna parama-brahmaṇyo maātā-pitr̥-pādānudhyaāta śrī-jayasiṁgha-vallabha-mahaārāja Ittham aājñāpayati

yathā viditam astu vaṅgipaṟu-vastavyaāya khkāṇva-gotrāya Āpasthtaṁbhba-sūtrāya sa-brahmacāriṇae dugamaḍiśarmmaṇaḥ pautraḥ maḍiśarmmaṇaḥ putraḥ dugamaḍiśarmmaśaaḥe pennātavāḍi-viṣaye cendaṟa nāma grāme puūrvveṇa diśi dakṣiṇata kṟoyuru nāma grāma-siīmaā paścimata taṭaākaḥ Uttarataḥ taṭāka cevarapalli-boya-kṣetra-sīmaā puūrvvata kalvatoṟu-sīmaā. Eteṣāṁ madhye dvaādaśa-kodrava-khaṇḍikaāvaāpa-kṣetra pravarddhamāna-vijaya-rājya-saṁvachtsare tr̥tīye viṣṇu-pāda-nimitte soUdaka-puūrvva mātā-pitror ātmanaś ca puṇyaāvaāptaye ta dattaM. Uktañ ca bhagavatā vyaāsena

bahubhir vasudhā dattaā bahubhiś cānupālina yasya yasya yāadā bhuūmis tasya tasya tadā phala sva-dattaā para-dattaām vā yo haretia vasundharā saṣti-varṣa-sahasrāni viṣṭhāyāM jāyate kr̥miḥ

Ājñapti vissarami

Plates -jagadat-saṁstuūyamāna- If NR's reading is correct, then the emendation is acceptable. However, I would expect jagad-abhiṣṭūyamāna (as found in some grants of Maṅgi Yuvarāja), since saṁstūyamāna is always preceded by bhuvana in related grants. velāntopa-giīyamaāna- NR's edition has a blank footnote attached to the word velānto (and another footnote emending the second word as shown here). If the reading is correct, I assume NR intended to emend as I have done here. I do not know of a parallel to this phrase. -ripu-nr̥pati- NR does not supply these words, but the text is only interpretable without them if we assume paronomasia, which does not otherwise occur in versions of this genealogy. This form of the phrase occurs for example in the Guḍivāḍa plates (set 1) of Jayasiṁha I (with piñjarita-caraṇāravinda in place of mañjarita-pāda-padma). (Incidentally, the present reading may perhaps be a scribal error for -piñjarita- or mañjarī-piñjarita, as mañjarita is not really appropriate in the context.) sa-brahmacāriṇae sa-brahmacāriṇa I prefer to construe this word as a dative, aligned with the preceding ones and qualifying the donee. It would also be perfectly acceptable (and in fact in line with the common practice of related grants) to construe it as a genitive, as NR does, in which case it qualifies the grandfather. However, in this case, all the preceding qualifiers also need to be emended to a genitive. At any rate, the meaning of the text is clear, and the composer's attitude to syntax is evidently lax, as exemplified by the following string of nominatives intended to qualify the donee (written in the genitive, which I believe was meant for a dative). dugamaḍiśarmmaśaaḥe dugamaḍiśarmmaśaṇaḥ I prefer to construe this word as a dative; see also the previous note. soUdaka- soUdaka- The choice of emendation matters little, but the form with sodaka is very rare in Eastern Cālukya grants, whereas Udaka (also after nimitte) is very common. It is also possible that so was in fact deleted in the original and corrected to U. ta dattaM If the reading is correctly shown, then the emendations proposed by NR are appropriate. vasudhā dattaā bahubhiś cā° vasudattaā bhaś cā° NR does not emend, so I assume that the text is only garbled in the printed edition, but is more or less as expected on the plate. Also, line 21 as printed by NR is 7 characters shorter than the preceding or the following line, so the expected text, which is 3 characters longer than that printed by him, could very well fit in that line. viṣṭhāyāṁ viṣṭāyāM I doubt that a final M was used here, and NR does not emend , so I assume that the text, correctly, has ṭh. I may be wrong about both assumptions.

Greetings. The dear son of His Majesty King mahārāja Viṣṇuvardhana II, who was eager to adorn the lineage of the majestic Calukhyas—who are of the Mānavya gotra which is praised by the entire world, who are sons of Hāriti, who are protected by the Mothers who are the mothers of the seven worlds, who are devoted to the feet of the divine Lord Mahāsena, to whom enemy territories instantaneously submit at the mere sight of the superior Boar emblem they have acquired by the grace of the majestic Nārāyaṇa, and whose bodies have been hallowed through washing in the purificatory ablutions avabhr̥tha of the Aśvamedha sacrifice—was His Majesty King mahārāja Sarvalokāśraya Maṅgi Yuvarāja, whose valour bowed down the entire circle of subordinate rulers sāmanta and whose exquisite reputation as Vijayasiddhi who prevails in victory was sung as far as the shores of the ocean. His son, His Majesty the supremely pious King mahārāja Jayasiṁha Vallabha II—who was deliberately appointed as heir by his mother and father and whose pair of lotus feet were bedecked by a mass of beams from gems fitted to the surfaces of the crowns of enemy kings bowed down by the blade of his sword, who is ferocious as the sun, yet pleasing like the moon to the eyes and minds of all people, whose power is as irresistible as the spear of Guha Skanda, and who is endowed with the three powers śakti-traya—commands as follows.

To wit: let it be known that in the third year of our progressive triumphant reign, on the occasion of Viṣṇupāda,According to Ramesan, this occasion is obviously the Viṣṇusaṁkrānti. I have no knowledge of a festival by this name and have not researched it. in order to acquire merit for our mother and father as well as for ourselves, a field sufficient for sowing twelve khaṇḍikās of kodrava in Pennātavāḍi district viṣaya, at the village named Cendaṟa, in the eastern direction of that village—to the south is the border of the village named Kṟoyuru; to the west is a tank taṭāka; to the north is a tank taṭāka and the border of the field of Cevarapalli-boya; to the east is the border of the village Kalvatoṟu;I am far from certain in my interpretation of the arrangement of the boundaries. The east is mentioned twice, for the first time with a declensional ending that does not make sense in the context. I assume that this first mention of the east was intended to signify that the granted land is to the east of Cendaṟa, but if so, then the regular list of boundaries in the four directions begins with the south rather than with the customary east. Other possibilities of interpreting the list may be to assume that Cendaṟa is to the east of the donated land, in which case Kalvatoṟu, listed at the end, is also to the east; or that Cendaṟa is to the southeast, and Kalvatoṟu is directly to the east, in which case no southern boundary is listed. in the midst of these—has been given by us, Jayasiṁha II to Dugamaḍiśarman, a resident of Vaṅgipaṟu belonging to the Kāṇva gotra and to the school of the Āpastamba sūtra, son of Maḍiśarman and grandson of Dugamaḍiśarman, the donation being sanctified by a libation of water. The reverend Vyāsa too has said:

Many kings have granted land, and many have preserved it as formerly granted. Whosoever at any time owns the land, the fruit reward accrued of granting it belongs to him at that time.

He who would seize land, whether given by himself or by another, shall be born as a worm in faeces for sixty thousand years.

The executor is Vissarami

Reported in 11A/2002-031 without discussion of details.According to Ramesan, the plates were found together with two other grants (possibly to the same Brahmin family) reported in , namely the Uccāti grant of Jayasiṁha I and the Koṇḍakariplola grant of Viṣṇuvardhana III. If this is correct, it is strange that this set was only reported much later. Edited, probably from the original plates,For the other two grants edited in the same article, Ramesan explicitly notes that he edited them from the original. For this text, there is no such note. by N. Ramesan (B), without facsimiles and without translation. According to the ARIE report, they have also been published in Mahasenasiri, Dr. I. K. Sharma Felicitation Volume, p445ff (not traced). The present edition by Dániel Balogh follows Ramesan's edition, silently correcting only obvious typosThe text of the edition is printed in Devanagari, with mistakes such as इत्यम् instead of इत्थम्. and offering suggestions for improvement in the apparatus.