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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Dániel Balogh.
The only halantas character occurring in the text is an unclear final M in line 35, which seems to be a reduced and simplified ma.
Original punctuation marks are plain verticals, used in profusion for segmentation into units smaller than sentences, and often in groups to punctuate larger units. Elaborate florets mark the ends of sections, and the end of the text is signified, in addition to three vertical bars, by a sign that I classify as a gomūtra symbol with tails to both the left and right, but which may in fact be two separate symbols, a plain circle and a clockwise spiral with a tail to the right, plus some damage.
Other palaeographic observations. Anusvāra is typically a small circle at head height to the right of the character to which it belongs. Headmarks are prominent V shapes. Dependent e is often (e.g. l2 mahāsena, l5 samuditendu) written by closing the left-hand stroke of the headmark downward into a small circle. The glyph for li in l26 cānupālitā has a flat body not normally found in Eastern Cālukya inscriptions, but which is attested for example in the Reyūru Grant of Pallava Narasimhavarman (
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.
Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml file.
-sagotrāṇāṁ| hārīti-putrāṇāṁ| svāmi-mahāsena-pādānu
dhyātānāṁ| k
tat-priyānujasya| Indra-bhaṭṭārakasya priyaḥ-tanaya
ddhi-mahārājaḥ||| yāpanīya-vr̥kṣa-mūla-gaṇa-tilakasya bha
gavataḥ kanakanandy-ācāryya-dharmmopadeś
ya jinālayāya| bhagavatām arhatāṁ bali-vaiśvadeva-
rtthaṁ sva-dharmmābhivr̥ddha
Aṣṭami-viṣaye kākaṇḍipaṟṟu nāma tyāju-gatyā
padhuga nāma kṣetraṁ dvādaśa-vrīhi-khaṇḍikā-phala-sthānaṁ| grāmasya
dakṣiṇataḥ triśata-kramuka-vr̥kṣ
baddhe| tūṟaṁgū nāma
pūrvvataḫ panth
raṁ||| grāmasya Uttarataḥ tāḻammu nāma phala-kṣetraṁ
tasyaiva pratibaddhe ga kḻoyyūru nāma
rvvataḥ rathyā dakṣiṇato
-sthānaṁ trirāva nāma kṣetraṁ| tasya pūrvvataḥ
to navarāmaṁ paścimato grāmasya mahā-sīmā Uttarasyā
-sīmā| Anyaṁ dviśata-khaṇḍikā-phala-sthānaṁ dvirāvaṁ grāmasya dakṣiṇa
taḥ ṣaṭ-khaṇḍikā-kodrava-bīja-phala-sthānaṁ
Ity evam-ādi kṣe
trasya Ubhaya-sasya-bhogyasya sarvva-kara-parīhāro dattaḥ
Greetings. From the ocean that is the lineage of the majestic Cālukyas—who are of the Mānavya
At the village of Kākaṇḍipaṟṟu in Aṣṭami district
Allocated to the same
Allocated to the same
For the
It is not
He who would seize land, whether given by himself or by another, shall be born as a worm in faeces for sixty thousand years.
I understand the charter to endow a single Jain temple (land granted for the maintenance of a temple at the time of its consecration
According to C. A. Padmanabha Sastry (
clearly of a later period, say, and that thetenth century A. D.
Reported in