Lintel from Phan Rang EpiDoc Encoding Salomé Pichon intellectual authorship of edition Arlo Griffths Salomé Pichon Conversion of encoding for DHARMA Salomé Pichon DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSCIC00006

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Arlo Griffiths and Salomé Pichon.

Lintel from Phan Rang Arlo Griffiths Amandine Lepoutre

First digital edition made by École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO), realized in collaboration with the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW) at New York University as The Corpus of the Inscriptions of Campā, in 2010-2012.

École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) DHARMA_INSCIC00006

Copyright (c) 2012 by Arlo Griffiths & Amandine Lepoutre.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

DHARMAbase C. 6 No. 96 Hanoi BTLS-QG LSb 21178 Hanoi EFEO Museum B 2, 18

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Resolved validation problems. Campa file transformed to follow the DHARMA encoding structure. Metadata extracted to be checked and updated according DHARMA workflow. Done through XSLT. Photograph, with scale, of inscription . Taken in the Hanoi Museum by Arlo Griffiths on . Photograph of EFEO estampage under n. 146.
C. 6.1 svasti pom̃ pu lakim̃ paṅkaja cim̃ abhimanyudeva urām̃ cathim̃ pāṇḍurāṅgeśvara senāpatī yām̃ pom̃ ku śrī jayaparameśvaravarmmadeva pu pom̃ tana rayā nan· vriy· pom̃ nan· marai senāpatī panram̃ di śaka nī 1152 pak· rāja pu pom̃ tana rayā nan· trā pom̃ nan· vuḥ di yām̃ pom̃ ku svayamutpanna vom̃ sān· mvram̃m· māḥ sā vana 'nāk· māḥ 9 thil· 4 draṁ vom̃ sān· mvram̃m· pirak· sā vana 'nāk· pirak· 8 thil· suvauk· pirak· sā vana 'nāk· 8 thil· calāhvaya laṅguv· sā di śaka nī 1166
C. 6.2 taval· śūratva oṅ mādhavaḥ nandana urām̃ ture vijaya pu pom̃ tana rayā inravarmma vrim̃ rai lyam̃ pom̃ yām̃ utpaṇa di śakarāja 1196 vlim̃ limān· lakim̃ sā ma anan· ja sraum̃ hulun· 6 vuḥ pak· yām̃ pom̃ ku svayamutpaṇna mauk· karet· mauk· ratna dāk· mauk· avyaṁ mauk· eḥ mauk· can· mauk· pūt· tralām̃ tāra 1196
pāṇḍurāṅgeśvara pāṇḍuraṅgeśvara 9 7 8 9 suvauk suvok 8 9 calāhvaya valāhvaya oṅ yāṅ nandana takdata ture tute the fact that Finot used italics in his publication shows that he was not sure about his reading of the second akṣara. The present reading re is based on the comparison of this occurrence, ture vijaya, and equivalents found in other inscriptions, namely turai vijaya and turaiy vijaya (see, C. 5, l. 18; C. 30 B2, l. 1; C. 30 B4, l. 2 and C. 86.1, l. 2. The distinct form of the ai sign further on (in l. 3: vrim̃ rai lyam̃) prevents us from reading turai. The most satisfactory alternative is to read ture and understand turai. utpaṇa utpaṇna could also be read. 1196 1176 sraum̃ praum̃ svayamutpaṇna svayamutpaṇṇa avyaṁ avya 1196 1176
C. 6.1

Hail! P.P. man Paṅkaja, prince Abhimanyudeva, person of Cathim̃ Pāṇḍurāṅgeśvara, general of Y.P.K. Jaya Parameśvaravarmadeva. This P.P.T.R. invited this Pom̃ to go [as] general to Panrāṅ in this Śaka year 1152 on behalf of this king P.P.T.R.

Moreover, this Pom̃ offered to Y.P.K. Svayamutpanna in this Śaka year 1166: a golden vom̃ sān mvram̃m weighing 9 thil 4 draṁ of gold; a silver vom̃ sān mvram̃m weighing 8 thil of silver; a silver cult plate weighing 8 thil; a calāhvaya of cuprous metal.

C. 6.2

Taval Śūratva, Mr. Mādhavaḥ Nandana, person of Turai Vijaya. The P.P.T.R. Indravarman invited [him] to go [as] L.P. [to] the god Utpaṇa in the Śaka year 1196. He bought: a male elephant ma anan (?) ja Sraum̃; 6 servants to be offered to Y.P.K. Svayamutpanna: mauk Karet, mauk Ratna Dāk, mauk Avyaṁ, mauk Eḥ, mauk Can, mauk Pūt [as well as a] tralām̃ tāra [in] 1196.

C. 6.1

Salut ! P.P. homme Paṅkaja, prince Abhimanyudeva, personne de Cathim̃ Pāṇḍurāṅgeśvara, général de Y.P.K. Jaya Parameśvaravarmadeva. Ce P.P.T.R. invita ce Pom̃ à aller en tant que général à Panrāṅ en cette année 1152 Śaka pour ce roi P.P.T.R.

De plus, ce Pom̃ offrit à Y.P.K. Svayamutpanna en cette année 1166 Śaka : vom̃ sān mvram̃m en or pesant 9 thil 4 draṁ d'or ; vom̃ sān mvram̃m en argent pesant 8 thil d'argent ; un plateau de culte en argent pesant 8 thil ; un calāhvaya en metal cuivreux.

C. 6.2

Taval Śūratva, M. Mādhavaḥ Nandana, personne de Turai Vijaya. Le P.P.T.R. Indravarman l' invita à aller en tant que L.P. au dieu Utpaṇa en l'année 1196 Śaka. Il a acheté : un éléphant mâle ma anan (?) ja Sraum̃ ; 6 serviteurs à offrir au Y.P.K. Svayamutpanna : mauk Karet, mauk Ratna Dāk, mauk Avyaṁ, mauk Eḥ, mauk Can, mauk Pūt ainsi qu'un tralām̃ tāra en 1196.

This inscription was edited and translated into French in 648; summarised in English in 213, whence 180 and 191. It was also studied in 1078-1079. The present edition and translation after 226-228.

648 226-228 79-81 2 and 10 77