Southern doorjamb of the main shrine of Po Nagar EpiDoc Encoding Salomé Pichon intellectual authorship of edition Arlo Griffths Salomé Pichon Conversion of encoding for DHARMA Salomé Pichon DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSCIC00030B4

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Arlo Griffiths and Salomé Pichon.

Southern doorjamb of the main shrine of Po Nagar Arlo Griffiths Amandine Lepoutre

First digital edition made by École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO), realized in collaboration with the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW) at New York University as The Corpus of the Inscriptions of Campā, in 2010-2012.

École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) DHARMA_INSCIC00030B4

Copyright (c) 2012 by Arlo Griffiths & Amandine Lepoutre.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

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Resolved validation problems. Campa file transformed to follow the DHARMA encoding structure. Metadata extracted to be checked and updated according DHARMA workflow. Done through XSLT. Photograph of inscription . Taken at Po Nagar by Amandine Lepoutre on . Photograph of an EFEO estampage under n. 228. Photograph of an EFEO estampage under n. 228.
svasti || madā pu pom̃ tana rayā sidaḥ yām̃ pom̃ ku śrī jayaparameśvaravarmmadeva aum̃ aṅśarāja urām̃ turaiy· vijaya di śakarāja nī 1112 madā pu pom̃ tana rayā kamvuja yāṅ· nā ma vraḥ pāda śrī jayavr̥rmmadeva kā pandāp· sarvvadvipa mam̃n· ma°udyāna marai mak· nagara campa pali ṅyasarvvaliṅga jem̃ kaliḥ rayā klum̃ pluḥ sā thun· vuḥ senāpatī kamvuja mvan· rumam̃ jumvum̃ tam̃l· rilvai di śakarāja nī 1123 pu pom̃ tana rayā nan· nau vraḥ nagar· dram̃n· nāma pu pom̃ pu lyam̃ śrī yuvarāja bharuv· kamvuja ṅan· campa raṇḍaṁ phām̃ sā nau pu pom̃ tana rayā nan· vā vala kamvuja nau mak· tanaḥ vukāṁ | kamvuja nau mak· ekacchatra
aum̃ aṅśarāja [.sa]ṅśarāja turaiy· vijaya turaiyvijaya śrī jayavr̥rmmadeva śrī jayavarmmadeva sarvvadvipa sarvvadvīpa mam̃n man sarvvaliṅga śarvvaliṅga kaliḥ kalin dvā senāpatī senapati mvan mvak rumam̃ jumvum̃ tam̃l· rilvai urā̃ṅ jumvu[v] [...] ni dram̃ n draṅ raṇḍaṁ phām raṇḍa thāṅ kamvuja nau makkamvujadeśa [...] tanaḥ vukāṁ | [...] vukāṁ | After kamvuja, Schweyer reads no more and notes simply [...]. ekacchatra restitution of Aymonier; Schweyer has not read this part of the text.

Hail! There was a P.P.T.R., that is to say Y.P.K. Śrī Jayaparameśvaravarmadeva oṅ Anśarāja, person of Turaiy Vijaya. In this year of the Śaka king 1112, there was a P.P.T.R. of Kamvuja called V.P. Śrī Jayavarmadeva. In order to subjugate all continents, then he went out to come and seize the Campā kingdom, destroyed all the liṅgas. The Great 'War' of thirty-one years took place. He gave a general of Kambuja mvan (?) on the territory from the North to the South. In this year of the Śaka king 1123, this P.P.T.R. went to the Holy Angkor to bear the name of Pu Pom̃ Pu Lyam̃, the Heir. Again, Kamvuja and Campā were drowning one another in misfortune... This P.P.T.R. led troops of Kamvuja to go and seize the land of Pagan ... Kamvuja go and seize ... unique parasol ... .

Salut ! Il y avait un P.P.T.R., à savoir Y.P.K. Śrī Jayaparameśvaravarmadeva oṅ Anśarāja, personne de Turaiy Vijaya. En cette année 1112 du roi des Śaka, il y avait un P.P.T.R. du Kamvuja du nom de V.P. Śrī Jayavarmadeva. Pour subjuger tous les continents, alors il sortit venir prendre le royaume du Campā, détruisit tous les liṅga. Il se passait la grande « guerre » de trente et un ans. Il donna un général du Kamvuja mvan (?) sur le territoire du Nord au Sud. En cette année 1123 du roi des Śaka, ce P.P.T.R. alla au Saint Angkor pour porter le nom de Pu Pom̃ Pu Lyam̃, héritier. À nouveau le Kambuja et le Campā se noyaient mutuellement dans le malheur... Ce P.P.T.R. conduisit les troupes du Kamvuja pour aller prendre la terre de Pagan ... Kamvuja aller prendre ... parasol unique... .

Concerning the expression rumam̃ jumvum̃ tam̃l rilvai (i.e. '[on the territory] from the North to the South'), see forthcoming.

As for the sequence bharuv kamvuja ṅan campa raṇḍaṁ phām̃ sā, Aymonier and Cabaton suggested it could be understood as follows: love (raṇḍaṁ) one another (phām̃) one () and proposed to translate alors le Cambodge et le Campā s'aimèrent mutuellement or s'accoutumèrent. However, they translated raṇḍaṁ as the verb to love which in reality is ramaṁ. The absence of arguments in favor of their translation leads us to propose as alternative the translation above, where the term raṇḍaṁ is presumed to be cognate with Malay rendam to soak, to drown.

A few words were read in 89-91; partially read and translated into French in 47-48; whence summarized in English, in 205 and 176-177; whence again, with translation into French, in 97. The present edition and translation after 262-263 where we have re-edited the text from the inked EFEO estampage and the stone.

47-48 97 262-263 131