Đồng Dương doorjamb (C. 68), ca. 10th century CE EpiDoc Encoding Arlo Griffiths intellectual authorship of edition Arlo Griffiths DHARMA Jakarta DHARMA_INSCIC00068

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Arlo Griffiths.


The lettering is characteristic of the tenth century CE.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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revised the encoding encoded the inscription

sarvvākāla-kṣetraṁ ṅauk·-laṅā-kṣetraṁ

sarvvākāla-- sarvvaṁ kāla- It is true that an anusvāra seems to be present on rvvā but no meaning is transparent in case we assume a declined form sarvvāṁ (accusative singular feminine) before kālakṣetraṁ. An alternative would be to assume that the rather clear ā marker is an error and then we arrive back at Finot's reading sarvvaṁ.

Field for everything unseasonable ? sarva-akāla.

Upper sesame field.

Tout le champ Kāla, le champ de sésame Ṅauk.

Similar lists of names of fields formulated in Sanskrit but incorporating Old Cham elements are found in C. 66, stanzas XLIX–LI; C. 138, face B, lines 7–9; C. 216, face b. In view of the uncertainties of reading exposed in the apparatus, the interpretation of the meaning of the first line is very tentative.

Published with eye-copy by Finot (), whence translated into English by Golzio (). Re-redited here by Arlo Griffiths based on EFEO estampage 281.

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