svasti. di śakarāja 1036. kāla yām̃ po ku śrī harivarmmadeva ya kumvan· yām̃ po ku śrī jaya
Inravarmmadeva d
mvoḥ yām̃ po ku śrīśānabhadreśśvara nim̃ kā ruṅ· hanatap· Upak· chāy· pūrvvakāla trā yām̃ po ku śrī harivarmmadeva ra paṅap· Anvak· tumvrāk· ra paha
tap· sā yam̃ṅ· punaḥ sā yam̃ṅ· trā ra paṅap· Anvak· pirak· ra hatap· mulaṅ· di rāja nan· jem̃ dvā vvāra hatap· prāsāda yām̃ po ku śrīśānabhadreśśvara
tra ra
vuḥ suvauk· māḥ sā sarutuḥ salapan· pluḥ thil· pirak· srakvak· ñū pāk· pluḥ salapan· thil· dradīk· māḥ sā naṁ pluḥ dvā thil· taliy· māḥ tijuḥ tal· pradap· matā dvā
pluḥ dvā thil· dalapan· draṁ paduḥ māḥ sā paum̃ kluv· pluḥ thil· pirak· srakvak· ñū pāk· pluḥ thil· tralāy· māḥ sā salapan· pluḥ dalapan· thil· kluv· draṁ sanraum̃ māḥ sā
dalapan· pluḥ dalapan· thil· dalapan· draṁ vraḥ kalaśa
kara māḥ sā Ayam̃ṅ· māḥ sā pāk· pluḥ
naṁ thil· pirak· ñū
sarutuḥ thil· srakvak· i
nda pāk· rutuḥ thil· sanraum̃ pirak· kluv· penda kluv· rutuḥ dvā pluḥ thil· māḥ huluv· sanrauṅ·
sa pluḥ dvā thil· pīṇa māḥ limā rutuḥ kluv· pluḥ
salapan· draṁ pirak· salapan· rutuḥ dalapan· thil· pirak· si hatap· prāsāda Ai tumān· sā rivuv· sā rutuḥ salapan· thil·
Hail! In the year of the Śaka king 1036: that was when Y.P.K. Śrī Harivarmadeva who was the nephew of Y.P.K. Śrī Jaya Indravarmadeva saw that Y.P.K. Śrīśānabhadreśvara here had a broken roof, not like in former times. And Y.P.K. Harivarmadeva, he built an anvak and a tumvrak (or: a glittering anvak).
He roofed one yəṅ and restored punaḥ one yəṅ.
And he built a silver anvak. He roofed it anew in that year of the Śaka king. So, two times he roofed the tower of Y.P.K. Śrīśānabhadreśvara.
And he offered:
one golden tray, of one hundred and ninety thil;
silver for its srakvak, of forty-nine thil;
one golden dradīk, of sixty-two thil;
one golden necklace of seven layers adorned with jewels,Or seven golden layered necklaces adorned with jewels
? It is the fact that tal cite expression of the type dvā tal two-layered
and pak tal four-layered
that makes us inclined to prefer assuming that the words tijuḥ tal are to be read as an attributive expression in our context. of twenty-two thil, eight draṁ;
one golden paduḥ that is paum̃, of thirty thil;
silver for its srakvak, of forty thil;
one golden tralāy, of ninety-eight thil, three draṁ;
one golden sanrauṅ, of eighty-eight thil, eight draṁ;
one golden holy vase, one golden kara, one golden ayam̃, of altogether forty-six thil,
silver for its srakvak, of one hundred thil;
inda, of four hundred thil;
three silver sanrauṅ,
three penda three hundred twenty thil;
total of the three silver sanrauṅ?: three hundred and twenty thil;
gold for tops of the sanrauṅ: twelve thil;
golden pīṇa: five hundred thirty nine draṁ, silver pīṇa: nine hundred and eight thil;
silver that roofs the tower of Ai Tumān or: of his elder tumān: one thousand one hundred nine thil.
Bonheur ! En śakarāja 1036, au temps de S. M. Śrī Harivarmadeva, neveu de S. M. Śrī Indravarmadeva...... voyant que le dieu Śrīśānabhadreśvara.......... précédemment, S. M. Śrī Harivarmadeva fit faire........ d'argent. Il fit tout cela en cette année śakarāja deux fois. Il bâtit une tour prāsāda au dieu Śrīśānabhadreśvara, et il donna :
1 suvok d'or, de 190 thil, dont l'alliage d'argent est de 49 thil ; 1 dradīk d'or, de 62 thil ; 7 colliers talei d'or, ornés de pierres précieuses, de 22 thil 8 draṁ, 1 paduḥ d'or... de 30 thil, dont l'alliage d'argent est de 40 thil ; 1 tralāy d'or, de 98 thil 3 draṁ ; sanroṅ d'or, de 88 thil 8 draṁ ; 1 aiguière kalaśa d'or... 1 ayañ d'or, de 46 thil, avec alliage d'argent de 100 thil ; ............. penda 400 thil ; huluv sanroṅ, 12 thil...... d'or........ 4...... 9 draṁ d'argent ; 908 thil......... tour..... 1109 thil.