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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Arlo Griffiths & Salomé Pichon.
The lettering is characteristic of the tenth century CE.
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nagar· ṅan· pom̃ ku kluñ· kunurun· ṅan· satyām̐ dhipatiḥ ṅan· pom̃ saṅgr
r· ṅan· pom̃ ku nyāyādhipatiḥ ṅan· raṁgyāv·
hrey· Atāl· ṅan· Atuk· Anāk· pom̃ kluñ· jrāy· ṅan· pvaḥ dat·
di luvu vihār·
yā nau tam̃l· luvu ṅauk· lām̃ nau rumaṅ· nan· lac· tam̃l· krauṅ· luvu vihār· raḥ krauṅ· nan· rai sīr· tam̃l· tupen· pandān· mulaṅ·
vardeveśvara jāṅ· tam̃l· kara jac· lac· knā jalān· rayā dar· nau maAndap· dak
maAndap· paścima rai sīr· tam̃l· tupen· tāc· mulaṅ· di dalaṁ manāṅ· Upak· humā vukaṁn· ka chut
po ku śrī hrinaṇḍaliṅgeśvara man· humā Anataṁm·
di śaka-rāja
ñ· paniliḥ yaṁṅ· vā surak· rūpa śrī pāda parameśvara pu-pov· kuv· tam̃l· Ājñā lyam̃ po ku Ulīk· mahārāja pandar· grāc· hu
mā di nagar· Ulīk· humā varāv· ṅan· humā paliy· Anaiḥ ṅan· humā vatek· ṅan· humā bhauk· śirā ṅan· humā janam̃ḥ Avista hu
mā dinan· śrī pāda parameśvara pu-pov· kuv· yaṁṅ· karunāprasāda vriy· kaṁn· Ājñā lyam̃ po ku śrī mahāsāmanta di Atāla vuḥ di yām̃
Ājñā lyam̃ po ku Ulīk· mahārāja kā grāc· humā dinan· kā jem̃ humā yām̃ po ku śrī hrinaṇḍaliṅgeśvara di gamriyām̃ campa
niy· snaḥ Urāṅ· rayā ṅan· Urāṅ Anaiḥ yaṁṅ·
Ajyam̃ yaṁṅ· kluñ· nagar· di vela nan· po ku kluñ· paniliḥ di vūy· vvair· makrauy· di vela nan· pvaḥ can
hrinaṇḍaliṅgeśvara di dandrāḥ campa yaṁṅ· grāc· humā di vela nan· sabhā po ku dharmmā
māddhipatiḥ paliy· Anaiḥ po ku nyāyyādhipati grā
pov· kār· gaṁp· nan· manūhar· di saṅgapūra campa ya pam̃ṅ· śam̃ka nan· candrakumār· mandā manicīk· mahāk· jiṅyar· namvīyakā Avi
sta Urāṅ· nan· madā nau di vela gandrāc· humā nan· rīy·
sāṅ· vinai kavveś· ṅan· dauk· lām̃ nan· nau sā Ār· ṅan· humā pu Icov· pranauṅ· maAndāp· pūrvva nau tam̃l· humā pandā
n· rumaṅ· nan· nau tam̃l· klauv· Atac· dar· maAndap· daksiṇa tam̃l· vavaḥ dvāṅ· rumaṅ· nan· nau tam̃l· sā Ār· ṅan· humā yām̃
po ku mandarakānteśvara nau maAndap· paścima tam̃l· dandauv· tunuṅ· rai sīr· tam̃l· tuṁ likūk· sāṅ· mulaṅ· di dalaṁ manāṅ·
Upak· humā vukam̃n· ka chutra ganan· trā humā nan· humā yām̃ po ku hrinaṇḍaliṅgeśvara man· ya kā jem̃ humā
Anataṁm· panadam̃n· nariy· glai klauv· trok· varo
niy· humā di bhauk· śi
pu jāṅ· tam̃l· gaḥ glai purvva dar· glai nan· nau jāṅ· tam̃l· Ajvañ· pandān· sā Ār· ṅan· humā kluñ· Imaur· lac· tam̃l· k
rai sīr· tam̃l· nairitī Akyaṅ· pagār· kula pu mulaṅ· di dalaṁ manāṁṅ· nan· Upak· humā vukaṁn· ka chutra trā humā nan· humā yāṅ· po ku hri
naṇḍaliṅgeśvara maṁn· humā ya kā jeṅ· Anataṁm· panadaṁn· nariy· trok· varok· jeṅ·
tam̃l· sā Ār· ṅan· humā pu mahāniyama dar· maAndap· daksiṇa nau tam̃l· dandauv· vihār· rumaṅ· nan· maAndap· paścima nau sīr· tam̃l· sā Ār· ṅan· hu
mā yāṅ· bharuv· mulaṅ· di dalaṁ manāṅ· nan· Upak· humā vukaṁn· ka chutra trā humā nan· humā yāṅ· po ku hrinaṇḍaliṅgeśvara maṁṅ·
humā ya kā jeṅ· Anataṁm· panadaṁn· nariy· trok· varok· jeṅ·
nau tūy· tūṁ nan· maAndap· nau daksaṇa tam̃l· sā Ār· ṅan· humā sev· Ulīk· rai sīr· tam̃l· Ajvañ· varāv· mulaṅ· dalaṁ manāṅ· nan· U
k· varok·
niy· humā di
mā yām̃ pu Inā mandar·kānteś
maAndap· nau paścima rai sīr· tam̃l· vradāy· mulaṅ· U
ṇandaliṅgeśvara mam̃n· nan· siy· snaḥ ya marai di gandrāc· humā di vel· nan· Ājñā pov ku rājendramantrī ṅan· śīliḥ Ulīk· tuluke
ṅan· sabhādharmm
cvaḥ ṅan· sabhā cvaḥ bharuv· caṁ ṅan· kurun· yām̃ po pu Inā mandar· kānteśvar· slāy· caṁ ṅan· gam̃p· puṁ Iśśa
ṅan· pvaḥ jvot· nī saravvaṅ· hiran· di paliy· Anaiḥ humā ya kā jeṅ· Anatam̃m·
yāṅ· hrinaṇḍaliṅg
These are the fields at the Luvu
Inside that section
These are the water fields in Tanah Kandaic. Their boundary: from the
In personal
for His Majesty the king
. The term
All these fields, it is small village
mountain top
This is the list of the noblemen and of the common men who would be present at the time of the offering of these fields:
All these men would also be present at the time of the offering of these fields.
The fields at Paliy Anaih. The boundary of those fields:
These are the fields at Bhauk Śirā. Their boundary: it goes from the front of the house of Kula Pu, it goes until sharing one dike with the field of Kula Pu, and reaching the edge of the eastern forest it turns to that forest. It goes, and reaching the
This is the field Janəh. Its boundary: from a shared dike with the field Yān Bharuv new god
These are the boundary of the field Varāv: from the descending bridge
These are the fields at Ravvaiṅ. Pathun offered
Then whoever
The fields have been made into transplantations: 25
The god Hrinaṇḍalingeśvara has offered to Māy Vruv, priest.
The spelling of the text is quite inconsistent. In our translation, we normalise words and titles of Sanskrit origin according to Sanskrit spelling. Many cases involve spelling without final
A unique phenomenon occurs twice in A11 and B7, namely the abbreviation of units of measurement non by their initial syllable (as is common in Indian and Javanese inscriptions) but by their final letter.
Previously unpublished. Edited by Arlo Griffiths and Salomé Pichon from the EFEO estampages n. 262 and from photogrammetric documentation in 2024.