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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Arlo Griffiths & Salomé Pichon.
Describe remarkable difference of lettering styles between Sanskrit and Old Cham parts.
See if shape of
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
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humā haliṁ
cluṅ· dhuṅ· ṅauk· dlai klov· nan·
ndāḥ sarvvataḥ riṁ narim̃ nau Oḥ jem̃ si top· hulun· dravya vihāra nim̃ kā Ājñā pov· ku Atat· di Inā
Oḥ jem̃ si kluñ· dauk kan· satyodakānna man·
sim̃ ya rakṣā nagara nim̃· Aṅgā
matandāḥ niy· nāma
gaṁp· gotra ñū lac· dauk· di Avīcī Annan· naraka taṁl· yuga Antaḥ pralaya
taḥ proṅ· bhogopabhoga si matmuv· va drim̃ tra Inā Amā drim̃ di svargga
This Mahīndrādhipati here, endowed with intelligence, having defeated the army of the enemies, has obtained peace and wealth on earth for the people by his brilliance, like the full moon.
The two dear ones with powdered faces, who shine on the beautiful earth — princess Indrabhūmi
Seeing the superior glory of the King Śrī Indravarman, established on the surface of the earth, he, known for his power, magnanimous, desired
In the Śaka year counted by the (6) aromas, the (7 or 3) worlds and the (8) signs of good omen
This beautiful pious work, which excels in the three worlds, has been assigned to his own mother, milady
The King Śrī Indravarman graciously gave to milord
Then milord the crown prince (
Which rice fields? Kedvuk, Cuvair Bhoja, Lahaur Evening
The Y.P.P.K. then allowed this monastery to cancel
Salut !
Mon seigneur
Mon seigneur-ci, Mahīndrādhipati, détenteur d’intelligence, a obtenu pour les gens sur la terre la paix fortunée, grace à sa brilliance ... ayant vaincu l’armée des ennemis, comme
Les deux chéries aux visages poudrés, qui rayonnent sur la belle terre — Lyaṅ Indrabhūmi and Subhadrā — sont ses deux bonnes dames.
Constatant la gloire supérieure du roi Śrī Indravarman, établie sur la surface de la terre, lui, connu pour son pouvoir, d’un grand esprit, désirait de rendre sa propre réputation en tant que Roi de Tanreṅpurī vers la blancheur.
Dans l’an śaka compté par les
Cette belle oeuvre pie, supérieure dans les trois mondes, a été offerte par lui à sa propre mère Pu Pov Ku Kunukuḥ Devī.
Le roi Śrī Indravarman a gracieusement donné à mon seigneur
Alors mon seigneur le Dauphin
bhavān· : the right half of the virāma doesn't appear on the photograph of the estampage, but the same word can be found in stanzas V et VIII.
Note the lack of punctuation at the end of this stanza, as well as the problematic interpretation of the beggining of the next. There is however a lack of final punctuation elsewhere (end of stanza III and VI) : the two facts might not be related to one another.
What looks like the remains of a letter at the end of line A1 on one estampage, looks like a scratch on another. However, we need a gu syllable, to form the word guru.
gir asya te : may needs a correction in sadamvike sya te or sadamvikasya te.
(s)au°: understand su° ? We could also read yau.
First inventoried by H. Parmentier (