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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Arlo Griffiths and Salomé Pichon.
First digital edition made by École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO), realized in collaboration with the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW) at New York University as The Corpus of the Inscriptions of Campā, in 2010-2012.
Copyright (c) 2012 by Arlo Griffiths.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
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paghanaḥ ghanāghana iva svavikramavaśīkr̥tasakalabhuvanas tri
bhuvanapatir iva sakalalokapālanatacaraṇasaroruhaḥ saroru
hāsana iva sakalajagaddhitakāraṇo mahāyajñahutavahaśikhābhuja
śrīmukhaliṅgaṁ saha śrīkuṭhāravāsinyā punaḥ
śrīsatyavarmmā śrīsatyadeveśvarāya dattavān tad ye haranti
narake patantu
I. The installation of a sheath for both of them, Śrī Vr̥ddheśvaranātha and Śrī Utpanneśvara, has been carried out by Śrī Satyavarman.
II. This installation of the liṅga of the Primordial God (Śiva), carried out by him (Satyavarman), has produced glory immaculate like the rays of the moon in autumn.
III. This pious Śrī Satyavarman has, with great devotion, established Śrī
Satyadeveśvaranātha in the elapsed (
IV. The Un-born (Śiva), who spans the totality of the triple world with his eight
bodies, even though he is subtle; the lord (
V. The glory of the king Śrī Satyavarman, spread out over the earth, surpasses [that of] other kings, as the light of the moon [that of] the stars.
Just as the Cloud (i.e. Indra), his beautiful limbs are rendered very slow by the weight of the ornaments which are his numerous vitues; like the Lord of the Three World (i.e. Viṣṇu as Trivikrama), he has subdued the entire world by his valor (
Śrī Satyavarman has given to Śrī Satyadeveśvara the silo of [?]ṅ, the silo of Devapura, the silo of Tañjo. May those who steal it fall in hell!
I. L’installation d’un étui pour les deux, Śrī Vr̥ddheśvaranātha et Śrī
Utpanneśvara, a été exécutée par Śrī Satyavarman.
II. Cette installation du linga du Dieu Primordial (Siva), exécutée par lui (Satyavarman), a produit une gloire immaculée comme les rayons de la lune en automne.
III. Ce pieux Śrī Satyavarman a établi, avec une grande dévotion, Śrī
Satyadeveśvaranātha en [l’an] évolu (
IV. Le Non-né (Siva), qui étend l’intégralité du triple monde avec ses huit
corps, bien qu’il soit subtil ; le maître (
V. La gloire du roi Śrī Satyavarman, épanouie sur la terre, dépasse [celle des] autres rois, comme la lumière de la lune [celle des] étoiles.
Tel le Nuage (c.-à-d. Indra), ses beaux membres sont rendus très lents par le
poids des ornements que sont ses multiples vertus ; tel le Seigneur des
Trois Mondes (c.-à-d. Viṣṇu en tant que Trivikrama), il a soumis le monde
entier par sa valeur (
Śrī Satyavarman a donné à Śrī Satyadevesvara le silo de [?]n, le silo de Devapura, le silo de Tañjo. Que ceux qui s’en saisissent tombent dans l’enfer.
First published in