A pillar at Prasat Lolei (K. 336), 815 Śaka EpiDoc Encoding Kunthea Chhom intellectual authorship of edition Dominique Soutif DHARMA Siem Reap DHARMA_INSCIK00336

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.


The akṣaras are characteristic of the ninth century.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.

Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml file.

Adding paleographic description and modifications to apparatus and commentary Modifications regarding numerals Updating toward the encoding template v03 Modifications to edition, apparatus and bibliography Update template 2 Update template Creation of the file

I tai tai pau I vanteṅ· I tai pandan· I vraḥ t· I ū nteṅ· tai ra I gho kanlak· kaña· I ṅ· I tai kaṁpit· kanlak· ka · I tai tmyaṅ· Amraḥ kanteṅ· I sī pau ka rat· kan·Ū I tai kan·A lok· I tai priyaṅgu I gho kan·In· p· kaṁveṅ· ṅ· I tai kansat· I . Amraḥ kandhū I gho gho ·ṅ· · I sī pau I tai rat· kan·As· I sī pau r· I tai rat· kan·sūs· I tai kanren· rat· pandan· I . Amraḥ kan·In· I gho tgan· I gho munivara I narendra I lap· pandan· I tai khyāk· I sī pau kñuṁ I tai rat· ratna nlas· I tai saṁAp· I sī rat· panlas sot· I . vnvak· ta gi sruk· śreṣṭhapura Amraḥ nirāśa I gho can·cān· I gho kanlai I gho gho kandhan· I tai somāvatī I tai candravatī I lap· kesara gho krau I gho krau sot· I gho śrī naṁvī I gho rucigarbha I rttika I tai vraḥ śrī I tai kaṁprvat· I sī rat· pandan· I . vnvak· pamān· praśāntagrāma Amraḥ taṅkū I gho kñuṁ I tai panla· sī pau kaṁvis· I tai rat· krau I tai taṅkū I tai pau ·As· I sī rat· kañ·yvan· I tai kaṁvai I tai kansi can·cān· I lap· kanlaṅ· I tai rat· kanhey· ta gi sruk· cuṅ· vnur· Amraḥ śrī naṁvī I tai ka la I tai cpoṅ· I tai kantvan· sot· I tai kandai sot· I tai kaṁpit· I . vnvak· ta I tai nūpa I piṇda sruk· 6 Amraḥ lap· 8 sī rat·10 III tai rat· 10 4pau

On peut se demander s'il faut restituer « .  vnvak· pramān· praśāntagrāma », mais la taille de la lacune ne permettrait probablement pas d'insérer « ta gi sruk nom de village ». Il faut alors plutôt envisager un nom de village et proposer : « . vnvak· ta gi sruk {3?} (23) praśāntagrāma ».

Edited by Dominique Soutif (509) without any translation.