Stela of Tuol Kuhear (K. 1003), 6th century Śaka EpiDoc Encoding Kunthea Chhom intellectual authorship of edition Gerdi Gerschheimer Dominic Goodall Kunthea Chhom DHARMA Siem Reap DHARMA_INSCIK01003

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.


The lettering is characteristic of the sixth-seventh century CE. The akṣaras have long descenders, especially the inherent ā, a characteristic of the inscriptions of the sixth-seventh centuries.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.

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Modification to paleographical remark Slight modifications to edition and commentary Slight modifications to edition Modifications to edition Initial encoding of the inscription
Oṁ śrīmadāmrātakeśāya kramukārāmamaṇdalam· yatrāśītiśataṁ mūlaṁ kramukānāṁ prarohati nālikerakamūlānāṁ dviśatenopaśobhitam· Anyaiś ca vividhair vr̥kṣais saphalaiḥ parivāritam· paripālanayogyāś ca dāsāḥ ruā Evam utpāditaṁ yatnāt pālitaṁ varddhitañ ca viśrāṇitam ida sarvvaṁ tadbhaktyā candrabhānunā kulodgatena dāntena dharmmiṣṭhena yaśoja kin t rmmārasapi r ts sahānujaḥ yathā nivandhanaṁ tr̥ptaṁ pradeyāt prativatsara raśaraiś śapde sahasyaṣadviṅśadinena yātam· cāpādicandro ravivārayogo dadāti tasmai kila candrabhānuḥ

daṁriṅ· pradāna poñ· candrabhāṇu Ai ta vraḥ kamratāṅ· Añ· śrīmadāmrātakeśvara Ai dok· mahā jmaḥ slā teṁ knañ· II toṅ· teṁ 200 jmaḥ ge kñuṁ ta man· Oy· cmaṁ gui daṁriṅ· vā maduI vā caṁdak· vraḥ I rāp· I vā jiva I

candrabhāṇu candrabhānu śrīmadāmrātakeśvara śrīmadamrātakeśvara dok· dāk· 200 The number can also be read as 300. cmaṁ cāṁm· gui giy madu vraḥ I rāp· I vā jiva I vā jiva

Des plantations, comme offrande de Poñ Candrabhānu à V.K.A. Śrīmad Amrātakeśvara, à l'endroit portant le nom illustre de dāk: 2 knañ d'aréquiers et de cocotiers.

Voici les noms des serviteurs chargés de la garde de ces plantations: Vā , Vā Caṁdak, Vā Jiva

The stela is broken into two fragments at the line 5.

The letter oṁis inscribed in the middle of a moon-like circle.

The line 20 is not recorded by Pou.

The Khmer part is first edited by Saveros Pou (39-46) with a French translation. The Sanskrit part on Face A is first edited by G. Gerscheimer & D. Goodall; re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom based on the estampage EFEO n. 1291 and the photograph AMPP 001173.
