Stela of Wat Srah Kraing Banteay (K. 1412), 7th-8th century CE EpiDoc Encoding Kunthea Chhom intellectual authorship of edition Chhunteng Hun Kunthea Chhom DHARMA Siem Reap DHARMA_INSCIK01412

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.


The lettering is characteristic of the seventh and eighth centuries CE.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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Adding paleographical remark and modification to apparatus Initial encoding of the inscription

Āy· kaluṅ· Aṅgana vra Āy· sruk· bhāśarmma pOn· mratāñña doṅ· poñ· knanna kanmoy· mratāñña nnaṁ jannaeo noḥ sre Āy· vanagrāma Āy· dakṣina mratāñ· Abhayavāsa yokka tī dukñ· vrāhmana ta śāntiya ta mratāñ Abhayavāsa viṅṅa devātideva Āy· Bhavāvāsa mratāñ· śambhu cas· mratāñ· ā udyota paṁnos· paṁju mratāñ jñānabhakti mratāñ· mratāñ· Akṣara gup· mratāñ· vidyāgupta mratāñ· ma ñ· duk· sneṅ· tandaṅ· cracur· śvetachatrakanaka i devātideva Aṁvalla daṅṅa qnak· sruk· bhavāvāsa i phoṅ·ṅa

mratāñ· mratā

in the precints of the sanctuary at the village of Bhāśarmma, younger brother of the mratāñ together with Poñ Knanna Mratāñ Nnaṁ Janna Janne or Janno; that paddy field at Vanagrāma in the South.

Mratāñ Abhayavāsa took the land to keep or to purchase the peaceful Brahmin back to Mratāñ Abhayavāsa.

Devātideva at Bhavāvāsa, the senior Mratāñ Śambhu, Mratāñ Udyota, the religious who performed the atonement rituals, Mratāñ Jñānabhakti, Mratāñ , Mratāñ Akṣara Gup, Mratāñ Vidyāgupta, Mratāñ kept the horns of animal, tandaṅ, cracur, white parasol with golden handle, Devātideva and all the people of Bhavāvāsa also.

First edited by Chhunteng Hun (19-30) in Roman and Khmer scripts with a Khmer translation; the variants of reading are taken from both the Roman and Khmer scripts; re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom from the photograph of the inscription and the estampage published in Chhunteng Hun's edition.
