Doorjamb of Prasat Toch (K. 1364), 7th century CE EpiDoc Encoding Kunthea Chhom intellectual authorship of edition Dominic Goodall Chhunteng Hun DHARMA Siem Reap DHARMA_INSCIK01364

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.


The lettering is characteristic of the seventh century CE.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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Initial encoding of the inscription
jayandu-kalā-maulir īśānaḫ pārvatīpati brahma-viṣṇvādibhir ddevair yyasya liṅgaṁ samarccitam· śrīśānavarmma-nr̥patiś śrīnivāsa Ivācyutaḥ praṇamanti sadā yasya sāmantāś caraṇa-dvayam· tasya ho vallabho bhr̥tya pañca-grāmādi-bhojaka dharmmī vahujayaś śūro ra ce sthita sya ti nāmataḥ bhaktyā ś śrīkalaśeśvare rūpyādi yo hare ==ī pitr̥-vandhubhiḥ

Īśāna, husband of Pārvatī pārvatīpatiḥ, bearing a digit of the moon as his diadem indukalaamauliḥ, is victorious over all jayati, whose liṅga is venerated samarcitam by the gods devaiḥ, beginning with Brahmaa and Viṣṇu.

The king Śrī Īśānavarman is like Acyuta Śrīnivāsa [/is, as it were, unfailing (acyutaḥ) and the abode of Majesty (śrīnivāsaḥ)], whose pair of feet caraṇadvayam his vassal kings sāmantāḥ constantly sadā bow down before praṇamanti.

favourite of the king vallabhaḥ, his servant bhr̥tyaḥ, governor of Pañcagrāma and elsewhere pañcagrāmādibhojakaḥ, morally upstanding dharmī, a warrior śūraḥ .

by name with devotion bhaktyā to the liṅga called Śrī-Kalaśeśvara.

Whoever yaḥ should take away haret such possessions as along with his ancestors and relatives pitr̥vandhubhiḥ.

Edited preliminarily by Dominic Goodall and Chhunteng Hun with an English by Dominic Goodall from the estampage AMPP 007565.jpg.