Rock inscription from Tham Lekh cave (K. 723) EpiDoc Encoding Chloé Chollet intellectual authorship of edition George Cœdès Dominic Goodall DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSCIK00723

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Chloé Chollet.


The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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samādhaye sarvvatamodhanāṇā m iyaṁ guhā vaktraguheti nāmnā sā niṣṭhitā vaktraśivena śaktyā vibhāti bhaddreśvaraśailapārśve .

kaṁ ti chdyās· guhā kaṁ ti ruḥ pnāṅ· doṣa

sarvvatamo sarvvatapo Dominic Goodall noticed that the word sarvvatamo is readable on the estampage, but it had to be corrected as sarvvatapo (2125).

Pour la méditation de tous ceux qui sont riches d'ascétisme, cette grotte nommée Vaktraguhā, aménagée par Vaktraśiva, resplendit par la puissance de cet ascète sur le flanc du mont Bhadreśvara.

Défense d'encombrer la grotte, défense de démolir la cloison : ce serait une faute.

For the meditation of all ascetics, this cave, Vaktraguhā by name, created, to the best of his ability śaktyā, by Vaktraśiva, is resplendent on the side of the Bhareśvara mountain.

First edited by George Cœdès with a French translation (512-13); re-edited by Dominic Goodall with an English translation of the Sanskrit stanza (21).

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