Doorjamb of Vat Kirīdassapit or Vat Phnom Pidh (K. 1416), 6th-8th century CE EpiDoc Encoding Kunthea Chhom intellectual authorship of edition Chhunteng Hun Kunthea Chhom DHARMA Siem Reap DHARMA_INSCIK01416

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.


The lettering is characteristic of the pre-Angkorian period.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.

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Adding paleographical remark and modification to apparatus Initial encoding of the inscription

Aṁnoy· kurāk· dramaṁ Ai ta kamratāṅ· Añ· śrī Utpanneśvara kñuṁ ta si vā vers· I ta kantai ku tmeṅ· I ku Ās· rahval· I ku kcaṅ· I ku paṅgañ· saṁraiI kñuṁ Aṁnoy

piṇḍa 5 ku

Donation of Kurāk Dramaṁ to Kamratāṅ Añ Śrī Utpanneśvara. Male servant: Vā Vres; female servants: Ku Tmeṅ, Ku Āsrahval, Ku , Ku Paṅgañ Saṁra/rit. Donation of .

The right side of the stone is lost. Since the text is a pre-Angkorian cliché about donation of servants, the restitutions are quite certain. However, the restitution by Chhunteng Hun in the last line of the total of the servants is not plausible. It can be another list of servants offered by the same or another donor.

The restitution of kcaṅ is not really plausible as it can be also read kjaṅ or kcan etc. or a name of two or more syllables.

The restitution is not plausible as the vowel i is not clear.

First edited by Chhunteng Hun (8-11) in Roman and Khmer scripts with a Khmer translation; the variants of reading are taken from both the Roman and Khmer scripts; re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom from the estampage.
