Prasat Beng Veng Southern Doorjamb (K. 823), 863 Śaka EpiDoc Encoding Salomé Pichon intellectual authorship of edition George Cœdès Claude Jacques Salomé Pichon DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSCIK00823

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The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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started initial encoding of the inscription

863 śaka taṁmrvac· kaṁpañ· si panlas· tai panlas· bhāja tai kaṁvai tai laṅgāy· tai chke lap· kan si ra tai tai pa tai gvāl si kande gvāl· srac· ta vraḥ si Asaru tai kaṁ si kat· tai paras· lvan· si rat· su si lo tai pat dhan· tai tai tai lap· karddha tai kaṁvrau tai panhe si syāṅ· tai Agatan· tai kantay· tai kanlāṅ· kvanu pau I si kandeṅ· tai krau tai padma kvan· tai pata thgot· tai pau I tai surabhī tai kañjā sī kaṁpañ· tai khñuṁ sī taṅker tai prayat· kvan· tai lap· kapit· sī rat· kañcan· tai pau I tai kan·Ā kvan· tai pau I tai kan·taṁ· kvanna si thmyaṅ· si rat· thmās· tai pau I si panlas· si kan·Āt· gvāl· pnos·$ tai kavai vi kvan· gvāl· rat· tai vra si ka si vya si vra tai si tai bhāvā tai pau tai khyoṅ· tai kan·hyaṅ kvan· tai pandutai rat· vrau tai rat· krau si kantai tai kaṁIt· tai kaṁmrateṅ· jagat· tai kan·so tai kaṁprvat· cāp· kan· cau gi raṁnoc· te kvan· rat· tai gvāl· vrāṅ· vno sme tai kaṁpit· gvāl· khyaṅ· tai kan·tai tai pan·he tai kavyai si kan·si tai kaṁprvat· pau I janvan· teñ kantal· tai kaṁvrai si kantoṅ· tai jvik· si kandeṅ· si panlas· si rat· khmau tai kan·tik· tai y· kvan· tai kan·lo si kaṁvit· si rat· Amr̥ta tai pau I si kaṁpit· si vajra si karunā daiva tai si thgau

863 862 taṁmrvac· taṁrvac panlas· From this point onward, the trace of an earlier obliterated inscription is noticeable. kat· ka bhaāau kaṁvrau kaṁ grau syāṅ· syoṅ· tai tai kantay· ka padma pañ Through comparison with l. 51 thmos, there must be a subscript -ma, and not an abbreviated -ña merged with a vowel -i of the line below. pata pati pau I pau si si pau I vau thmyaṅ· khmyaṅ thmās· thmos Otal Reading is more difficult starting here because of the earlier inscription, the traces of which are more numerous. vra vro vra savra vrau bha prau kantai kante tai si cāp· chāp tai A tai pan·he pan heṅ kvan kan·si kanvin tai kantal· ntāl si kantoṅ· ñ si kantoñ tai ta po kan·tik· kānti cīk tai tai paṁ proya Amr̥ta Aṁmr̥ta karu kana vai i

First edited by Claude Jacques (350). Re-edited here by Salomé Pichon based on EFEO estampage n. 1058.

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