Ban Ku Moei doorjamb inscription (978 śaka ; K. 1513) EpiDoc Encoding Chloé Chollet intellectual authorship of edition Cha-em Kaeokhlai Chloé Chollet DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSCIK01513

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978 śaśka masāña nakṣatra Aṣṭami roca puṣya vuddhavāra nu vraḥ kamrateṅa Aña qnantaśrīya kanmvaya bhagavat pāda kamrateṅa Aña cuṅa gnaṅa jvana khñuṁ canāṁ ta kamrateṅa jagāta kanmyaṅa śīlaguṇa duka ta Āśrama thṅai luca nu sru caṁnāṁ viṅa paripāla Āśrama nu sre caṁnāṁ si teṁ Aṁvila si teṁ Aṁvila tai vrahma tai si pada qme saṁtya si khdo si caṅ goya tai kañcoṅ· tai kanghaṅa tai kanghaṅa tai kan si kancuya qme k tai paṁnaṅa tai jeṅa tarāña tai thyeṅ· tai Ā khñuṁ vmā I curu pratidina liḥ cuḥ viṅa je I qnaka noḥ vvaṁ Āc ti Āyatta Aṁcāsa qnaka nā Āśrama nau ru qnaka ta nu lak phoṅa dau ta

śaśka kaśa vuddhavāra vudvāra qnantaśrīya Anantaśrīya śīlaguṇa śilaguṇa ta Ā- Ā- Aṁvila Avila si saṁ The vowel mark i is this time strangely located above the right head mark of the consonant. caṅ goya caṅdhoy· tai kanghaṅa kanghāṅ· kancuya kantaya k thyeṅ· vyeṅ· Āyatta Āyata

En 978 śaka, année du Serpent masāñ nakṣatra, au huitième jour de la quinzaine sombre du mois de Puṣya, un mercredi, c’est alors que le vraḥ kamrateṅ Añ Anantaśriya, neveu du bhagavat pāda kamrateṅ Añ (de ?) Cuṅ Gnaṅ , a offert des esclaves et des fournitures au kamrateṅ jagat Kanmyaṅ Śīlaguṇa qui demeure dans l’āśrama occidental thṅai luc ainsi que nu du paddy pour la fourniture, gardé paripāla dans l’āśrama, et des rizières pour la fourniture dont s’occupent si Teṁ Aṁvil, si Teṁ Aṁvil, tai Vrahma, tai …, si Pada, qme Satyaṁ, si Khdo, si Caṅ Goy, tai Kañcoṅ, tai Kanghaṅ, tai Kanghaṅ, tai Kan…, si Kancuy, qme …, tai Paṁnaṅ, tai Jeṅ Tarāñ, tai Thyeṅ, tai Ā…

First edited by Cha-em Kaeokhlai (74-78) with a Thai translation. Re-edited in English and in French by Chloé Chollet from photographs.
