Stela of Koam Pradeuh (K. 65), 2395 and 2407 of Buddhist Era EpiDoc Encoding Kunthea Chhom intellectual authorship of edition Saveros Pou DHARMA Siem Reap DHARMA_INSCIK00065

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qnaka samteca braṁmasara nāma toema jhmoḥ Oka taṁṅa dhvoeha jā sakrāca duka nūva vata gāma pratoesa neḥ Oya tiṅa phala Annīsaṅa phnuosa Āyūsa pāna 505 mūya puosa sāṅa vata kanantāla sāṅa braḥ cāsa Aṅa 1 pālaṁṅa braḥ dhaṁma 1 ruoca sāṅṅa vat bhnaṁma guṅa sāṅṅa braḥ Aṅ 1 vata breya nagara 1 nūva gāma pratoesa sāṅṅa braḥ Aṅa bīra dhaṁma cāsa 1 gre dhāṁmmāsa bīra gre va posa bīra gre saṁmnoeṅa 1 kaṁmbīya tāka satrā croena cāra satrā vīyanaiya crenna hoṅa E Aṅa braḥ tūca cāsa thmīya croena Aṅa kamā ta jā diba Oya

ta Auva jā dāna mtaṅa puosa nāma phlūva pukagala mtaṅa pāna puosa saṁmnera mtaṅa pān puosa bhīka pīya toṅa pāna sāṅa svāna bīra pāna loeka khmoca grūva Ācāra pīyatā mātā meṅa mā poṅa phUna ñāta pāna paṁmapuosa nāgga bīra Aṅa pāna loḥ geya paṁmapuosa jā bhīka mūya Aṅa pāna pratau Oya rīena dharmma phaṅa Oya tiṅa guna saṁdāya kh

sabbamassatu braḥ sāsnā kanloṅa dova hoeya pāna 2 bāna pīya raya kova sepa prāṁma braḥ vasā pacuḥpana Ilūva neḥ chnāma jūta nasāka nūva knuṅa gimahanaratūva khaeha bīyasāka thaiya budda jjā sūrecca papūra mleḥ Eṅa hoṅa ka vata nūva chnāma jūta kheha bīyasāka sāṅa braḥ bīya chnāma khāla sāṅa sālā paṅgana kuta roṅa hāta traiya 1 pāna Oya dāna saṁmbata pān 100 dau muka 100 dau kroya

sirīsabaṁmassatu braḥ buddhasākkharāja braḥ sāsnā Atikānatā kanlaṅa dova hoeya pāna 2 bān 400 niṅ 7 braḥ vasā sesa saṅakheyā kheha kanlaṅa dova pāna 5 kheha sesa thṅeya kanlaṅa dova pāna 26 thṅeya rīya niṅa sratīya pacuḥpana Iyalūvne chnāma jūta nasāka nūva knuṅa vasanataratūva kheha kātoeka 2 koeta thṅeya suka jā sūreca hoṅa . pāna sāṅa Aṅa braḥ kathīnatreya 8 vata pāna sāṅa braḥ vīyahā vata breka prāha jāmūya niṅa pīyatā mātā khñuṁma sūma Oya bhneka cramoḥ traceka

taṁṅa The letter ṅa is written in subscript form under the letter dāṁ. sakrāca The letter ca is written in subscript form under the letter krā. gāma There is a cross sign on the vowel . Oya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter O. mūya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter . cāsa Aṅa pāya Ara The letter sa is written in subscript form under the letter . pālaṁṅa The letter ṅa is written in subscript form under the letter lāṁ. breya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter bre. gāma There is a cross sign on the vowel . cāsa The letter sa is written in subscript form under the letter . cāsa The letter sa is written in subscript form under the letter . thmīya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter thmī. Oya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter O. nāma There is a cross sign on the vowel . The letter ma is written in subscript form under the letter . puosa The letter sa is written in subscript form under the letter puo. pīya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter . pīyatā The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter . ta pāna There is a vertical stroke between the letter ta and . geya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter ge. mūya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter . saṁdāya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter . hoeya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter hoe. pīya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter . raya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter ra. There is a vowel e at the end of the line, which might belong to the first word of the next line, viz. kova. chnāma There is a cross sign on the vowel chā. gimahanaratūva gimahanaratūva There is a vowel e at the end of the line which might belong to the first word of the next line, viz. khaeha. bīyasāka The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter . thaiya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter tha. budda budha pa para chnāma There is a cross sign on the vowel chā. bīyasāka The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter . bīya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter . chnā There is a cross sign on the vowel chā. sālā There are two vertical strokes as a diacritical sign on the letter . hāta hāta There is a vowel ae at the end of the line which might belong to the first word of the next line, viz. traiya. traiya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter trai. saṁmbata saṁmbata kroya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter krā. tikānatā There are two vertical strokes as a diacritical sign on the letter . hoeya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter hoe. sesa The letter sa is written in subscript form under the letter se. saṅakheyā There are two vertical strokes as diacritic sign on the letter . The letter is written in subscript form under the letter khe. thṅeya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter thṅa. thṅeya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter thṅa. rīya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter . sratīya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter . chnāma There is a cross sign on the letter chā. knuṅa knuṅa thṅeya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter thṅa. treya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter tra. vīyahā The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter . There are two vertical strokes as diacritic sign on the letter . jāmūya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter . pīyatā The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter . Oya The letter ya is written in subscript form under the letter O.

Anak Saṁtec Brahmasar, dont le nom premier est Ok, nommé Saṅgharāj chargé de ce monastère de Gāṁ Praṭoes, proclame l'avantage du mérite issu de la prise d'habit.

Agé de cinquante-et-un ans, ce religieux a restauré le Monastère de Kantāl, édifié une statue du Buddha en mortier, un grand socle du Buddha.

Puis, au Monastère de Bhnaṁ Gaṅ, il a édifié une statue de Seigneur; au Monastère de Brai Nagar et à Gāṁ Praṭoes, il a restauré deux grandes statues du Seigneur.

Il a fait faire deux chaires de pêche, deux , un lit de moine, de nombreux livres pour noter les textes; il a fait graver les textes du Vinaya plusieurs fois.

De nombreuses petites statues du Seigneur, vieilles ou neuvres . Les kamā furent distribués

avec les vestes comme aumône, une fois.

Il est entré en religion, pour montrer la voie aux gens, une fois; il a pris l'habit de sāmaṇer une fois, celui de bhikkhu trois fois.

Il a construit deux ponts, a célébré les obsèques de son maître, de ses père et mère, des oncles et tantes et d'autres parents.

Il a fait entrer en religion deux personnes.

Il a racheté un homme qu'il a fait entrer en religion comme bhikkhu; il l'a éduqué, en lui enseignant la Sainte Loi, afin qu'il sache bien en général .

Que le succès soit! La religion du Seigneur dure depuis duex mille trois cent quatre-vingt-quinze ans.

Nous sommes maintenant en l'année du Rat, en saison chaude, le mois étant celui de Bisākh et le jour le mercredi : voilà donc l'énoncé achevé!

Il a bâti le monastère en l'année du Rat, au mois de Bisākh. Il a édifié deux statues du Seigneur en l'année du Tigre, édifé des sālā, des latrines, des maisonnettes des moines, des hangars et une bibliothèque:

Il a fait don d'étoffes : 100 par devant et 100 per derrière (?).

Que la prospérité et le succès soient! L'ère bouddhique dans la religion du Seigneur, dure depuis deux mille quatre cent sept ans, 5 mois et 26 jours.

Pour parler du moment présent, nous sommes en l'année du Rat, en fin d'année, le mois étant Kattik, le jour le vendredi, deuxième jour de la lune croissante : il e est ainsi.

Il a célébré le kathin dans huit monastères pour offrir des costumes aux moines. Il a construit ou restauré le sanctuaire du Monastère de Braek Prā, avec la collaboration de ses parents.

"Je souhaite, dit-il, que mes yeux, mon nez, mes oreilles ."

First edited by Saveros Pou (68-75) with a French translation; re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom based on the estampage EFEO n. 730.
