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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.
The lettering is characteristic of the seventh century CE.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.
Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml file.
Aṣṭottaraṣacchataśakaparigraha moy· roc· mārgga
śīrṣa puṣyanakṣatra śukradivasavāra Ai kanloṅ· pura
ndarapura Ājñā vraḥ kamratāṅ· Āñ· ni gi Āśrama
poñ· jñānacandra ta Āy· Acimuktapattana doṅ· gi
Āśrama cram· pandamma doṅ· gan· Āśrama smaṁ ta
gi phoṅṅa ta saṁ paribhoga ta gi Aṁpal· gan· dra
vyopakarana ta nai gi doṅ· gan· pradāna qnak· phoṅ· ta
gi daṁnepra gi sre santan· sre poñ· vidyāśānti sre
poñ· dharmmacandra sre Ajidinayya sre poñ· de
vasiddha doṅ· gi sre cok· sudatta doṅ· gi sre
Āśrama craṁ pandam· sre vnaṁ
voh· gi sre cok· ran·si sre cok· vradāṅṅa doṅ· ga
n· dāsa dāsi go majiṣa kṣetrārāma ta
phoṅ· gi tel· prasiddha Ai ta gi Āśrama gi jon·
cmaṁ vṅe moyya Ai ta vraḥ kamratāṅ· Añ· śrī nirmānaja
ya gi voṁ jānā qnak· gr̥
ta paṁnos· mahātma ge ta
vraḥ kamratāṅ· Añ·
The unborn
There is, in the sky that is the lunar lineage, a fulsome Mercury among kings, as refulgent as Mercury
An Indra upon earth
The king created the city with pavilions and hermitages as if the god
The glorious Śrī Jayavarman, equal in valour to Indra and Viṣṇu, became king, as though he possessed the
By his command, whatever
What money, fields, slaves, wealth and the like has been given to the village
Those who transgress the king's command, even if
In the
Six hundred and eight śaka, first day of dark fortnight of the month of Mārggaśīrṣa, constellation of Puṣya, Friday, at the palace Purandarapura, charter of My Lord :
May people act according to this
Regarding the term
The term
Edited preliminarily by Dominic Goodall, Chhunteng Hun and Kunthea Chhom based on the photos IMG 3392.jpg and IMG 3397.jpg.