Stela of Prasat Pram (K. 1431), 608 Śaka EpiDoc Encoding Kunthea Chhom intellectual authorship of edition Dominic Goodall Chhunteng Hun Kunthea Chhom DHARMA Siem Reap DHARMA_INSCIK01431

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The lettering is characteristic of the seventh century CE.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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Initial encoding of the inscription
Face jayaty ajo bhavo bhūta -bhāvano bhagavān vibhuḥ prabhur ekānta-durvodha -mahimā jagad-iīśvaraḥ. Asti somānvaya-nabhas -saṁpūrṇṇa-nr̥pa-śītaguḥ guṇāṅśubhir vudhoddāma -kumudāhlādadodayaḥ. gamitāyojanādhvānam ipuṣūṇāṁ vāhu-vīryyataḥ kṣmendraḥ kali-malālepa -kṣālanād iva dūrataḥ. devo 'cyuta-maheśānādy -amara-sthāna-dhāmabhiḥ śālāśramaiḥ puraṁ rājā tri-viṣṭapam ivākarot·. śrīmān· śrījayavarmmeti śakropendra-parākramaḥ nr̥po 'bhūt bhūmi-rājyīva mastaka-nyasta-śāsanaḥ. tasyājñayā sadā puṇya -deva-śālāśrameṣu yat· saṁpāditaṁ prasiddhan tat· yajvabhir vasu sarvataḥ. vimukta-pattana-grāme jñānacandrena yajvanā puṇyāśrame dhanaṁ dattam· kṣetrabhr̥tyadravādi yat·. tatretara-pradānañ ca yac ca puṇyam· samāśritam· Acālinīyam ity eha nr̥pājñā sarvadā nr̥bhiḥ.. vratād vyayayuktānā yoginām atra sarvadā bhuktir āśrama-sad-vittāny ahāryyāni valād itaḥ. nr̥pājñāṁ laṅghayanti ye daṇditās te 'pi doṣataḥ gacchanti narakān pretya rauravādīn aśeṣataḥ. ṣacchatenāṣṭa-sahite na lakṣye śaka-vatsare likhitā praśasta-lekhā tiṣṭhanty ā bhūta-samplavāt·.

Aṣṭottaraṣacchataśakaparigraha moy· roc· mārggaśīrṣa puṣyanakṣatra śukradivasavāra Ai kanloṅ· purandarapura Ājñā vraḥ kamratāṅ· Āñ· ni gi Āśrama poñ· jñānacandra ta Āy· Acimuktapattana doṅ· gi Āśrama cram· pandamma doṅ· gan· Āśrama smaṁ ta gi phoṅṅa ta saṁ paribhoga ta gi Aṁpal· gan· dravyopakarana ta nai gi doṅ· gan· pradāna qnak· phoṅ· ta gi daṁnepra gi sre santan· sre poñ· vidyāśānti sre . poñ· dharmmacandra sre Ajidinayya sre poñ· devasiddha doṅ· gi sre cok· sudatta doṅ· gi sre Āśrama craṁ pandam· sre vnaṁ drucca sre cok· vrāl· sre Aṁvoh· gi sre cok· ran·si sre cok· vradāṅṅa doṅ· gan· dāsa dāsi go majiṣa kṣetrārāma ta ndai gi phoṅ· gi tel· prasiddha Ai ta gi Āśrama gi jon· cmaṁ vṅe moyya Ai ta vraḥ kamratāṅ· Añ· śrī nirmānajaya gi voṁ jānā qnak· gr̥hastha pramāna ta gi srac· ta paṁnos· mahātma ge ta pre roḥ gi ge cer· Ājñā vraḥ kamratāṅ· Añ· ge daṇda .

The unborn ajaḥ Bhava is victorious jayati, who brings creatures into existence bhūtabhāvanaḥ, the Lord bhagavān, immanent vibhuḥ, all-powerful prabhuḥ, whose greatness is utterly incomprehensible ekāntadurbodhamahimā, the Lord of the Universe.

There is, in the sky that is the lunar lineage, a fulsome Mercury among kings, as refulgent as Mercury budhoddāma° with the rays that were his virtues guṇāṁśubhiḥ and taking birth from the one who gives delight to water-lilies kumudāhlādadodayaḥ.

An Indra upon earth kṣmendraḥ since he washes away the great stain of Kali kalimahālepakṣālanāt, as it were iva, from afar dūrataḥ with his arrows iṣūṇāṁ, which he causes to traverse a distance of a Yojanā gamitāyojanādhvānām, because of the strength of his arms bāhuvīryataḥ.

The king created the city with pavilions and hermitages as if the god Brahmā created the three worlds with the abodes of Viṣṇu, Śiva and eternal demi-gods.

The glorious Śrī Jayavarman, equal in valour to Indra and Viṣṇu, became king, as though he possessed the entire earth as his kingdom, his commands borne on the heads of his subjects.

By his command, whatever yat wealth vasu is furnished sampāditam for meritorious temples of gods and monasteries by patrons yajvabhiḥ, that is invariably proclaimed so that may be universally known and thus inviolable in its entirety sarvataḥ.

What money, fields, slaves, wealth and the like has been given to the village called Vimuktapattana, a resort of merit puṇyāśrame by the patron/founder Jñānacandra, as well as ca whatever yat further gifts itarapradānam that are meritorious puṇyam are made to that village tatra, — all of that eha= etat is not to be moved acālinīyam = acālanīyam by men nr̥bhiḥ for all time sarvadā. Thus iti is the command of the king nr̥pājñā.

There is to be usufruct bhaktiḥ at all times sarvadā by the yogins who live here atra who have expenses vyayayuktānām as a result of their religious observances vratāt. The true wealth of the āśrama āśramasadvittāni is not to be taken away from here itaḥ by force balāt.

Those who transgress the king's command, even if api they are first punished for their fault, will also to all aśeṣataḥ the hells, beginning with Raurava, after they die.

In the śaka year distinguished by 600 together with eight, the written composition of this eulogy stands up to the destruction of all creatures.

Six hundred and eight śaka, first day of dark fortnight of the month of Mārggaśīrṣa, constellation of Puṣya, Friday, at the palace Purandarapura, charter of My Lord : The hermitage of Poñ Jñānacandra which was at Acimuktapattana, and the hermitage Cram Pandam together with the group of hermitages including the people attached to them share their means of subsistence as well as all of the wealth belonging to them. The donations of the people consist chiefly of paddy field of Santan, paddy field of Poñ Vidyāśānti, paddy field of Poñ Dharmmacandra, paddy field of Ajidinayya, paddy field of Poñ Devasiddha, and paddy field of Cok Sudatta as well as paddy field of Āśrama Craṁ Pandam, paddy field of Vnaṁ Drucca, paddy field of Cok Vrāl, paddy field of Aṁvoh. Paddy field of Cok Ransi, paddy field of Cok Vradāṅṅa together with male and female servants, cows, buffaloes, and other paddy fields and parks are assigned to the hermitage. A keeper of flower which have been offered to My Lord Śrī Nirmānajaya cannot be taken jānā by the laymen of that district from the great soul priest.

May people act according to this charter! Those who flout the charter of My Lord, are punished.

Regarding the term kumudāhlādadodayaḥ, the letter da of -do- looks like a na.

The term bhūmirājyī is taken as nominative of bhūmirājyin, but the form is odd and the reading may not be correct.

Edited preliminarily by Dominic Goodall, Chhunteng Hun and Kunthea Chhom based on the photos IMG 3392.jpg and IMG 3397.jpg.