Stela of Tuol Krasang Chhmar (K. 1439), 1084 Śaka EpiDoc Encoding Kunthea Chhom intellectual authorship of edition Kunthea Chhom DHARMA Siem Reap DHARMA_INSCIK01439

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.


The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.

Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml file.

Initial encoding of the inscription

. 1084 śaka maṅīya śaka vyara roca mārggaśira karttika leya Ādityavāra gi nu yeṅ· jā kañsnaṁ sthāpaka vraḥ vuddharūpa nu rūpa vraḥ Aṁteṅa jeṅ mau teṅ tvana kañsnaṁ hotā vraḥ guru sundaramati ta jā yajamāna vraḥ guru sāsanapandita khñuṁ nu śre ta jā jaṁnva roḥ ta pāñjīya neḥ tai kaṁvvaka kvana tai kansuta tai kanrā ta kvava tai sulavbha tai kandhira śi kansa śi kandhana phsaṁ khñuṁ praṁvyala śre padi śre dakṣiṇa noḥ vroḥ thlvaṅ· II je II śre III y ma travāṅ· vāyavya nair̥ti vraḥ vroḥ thlvaṅ· III śre jeṅ· mveṅ· paścima vraḥ śre II Aṁvyar vroḥ thlvaṅ· II je II liḥ III phsaṁ vroḥ thlvaṅ· pravyala je II I liḥ III .

There are cases of confusion between the ś and s and between nd and ṇḍ: śre lines 8-12 for sre; śi line 8 for si; sāsanapandita for śāsanapaṇḍita.