South and North doorjambs of West door of the Northern tower of the first row of Prasat Lolei (K. 326), 815 Śaka EpiDoc Encoding Kunthea Chhom intellectual authorship of edition Saveros Pou Dominique Soutif Kunthea Chhom DHARMA Siem Reap DHARMA_INSCIK00326

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.


The akṣaras are characteristic of the ninth century.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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Adding paleographic description and modifications to apparatus and commentary Modifications regarding numerals Updating toward the encoding template v03 Modifications to edition, apparatus and bibliography Update template 2 Basic structural encoding of the inscription

. qmoy· vr̥tti ta vnvis· jaṁnvan· kan·hyaṅ· kamrateṅ· Añ· qme kamrateṅ· Añ· jayendradevī . gho mahāgirivīra I gho kandāvar· I tai kaṁvāk· I gho tbeṅ· I tai kaṁvāk· sot· I gho kandoṅ· I tai kaṁvāy· 1 gho kaṁvi · I gho

. qmoy· vr̥tti ta gi sruk· vraleṅ· jaṁnvan· kamrateṅ· Añ· cneṁ dvaṅ· Āñcāj· I Ayor· Iṅ·lor· I Āñ·vār· I luṅ· pyāṅ· I vāṅ·goṅ· I caṁvaladāk· I vārlop· Iy·cāy· I var·rvvāṅ· I . psaṁ 10 .

tbeṅ· tveṅ· Āñcāj· Āñaj· vārlop· valauy· rvvāṅ· vvāṅ·

La donatrice de moyens de subsistance et d’autres offrandes est la Kanhyaṅ Kamrateṅ Añ, mère de la Kamrateṅ Añ Jayendradevī : suit une liste comportant au moins 6 gho et 3 tai.

La donatrice de moyens de subsistance de la commune de Vraleṅ et d’autres offrandes est la Kamrateṅ Añ Cneṃ : le dvaṅ Āñcāj : suit une liste de 9 serviteurs. Au total : 10.

Le début de l'inscription est en grande partie détruit, et la restitution reste incertaine.

Étant donné l'espace disponible, il semble difficile de restituer ta gi sruk.

The term vāṅ·goṅ· can also be read vāṅ·voṅ·.

The term cāy· can also be read thṅāy·.

First edited by Saveros Pou (69); reedited by Dominique Soutif (522) with a French translation; reedited here by Kunthea Chhom based on the estampage EFEO n.1261.

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