Pœng Ta Roet rock inscription (K. 172) EpiDoc Encoding Chloé Chollet intellectual authorship of edition George Cœdès Chloé Chollet DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSCIK00172

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Chloé Chollet.


The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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namaś śivāya yaj-jyotir ujjvalad viśvato bhr̥śam· nikr̥ntati jagad-dr̥ṣṭi namaś śivāya yaj-jyotir ujjvalad viśvato bhr̥śam· nikr̥ntati jagad-dr̥ṣṭi tiras-kr̥ti-karan tamaḥ . dharmmāvāsa-pure jātyā dharmmāvāsābhidhāna-bhr̥t· śuddha-dharmmādhivāso yo vudho dharmma Ivābhavat· . janma-bhū-bhūri-vibhave bhavaty apy aviśad vanam· yo bhikṣā-vr̥tty aho citraṁ mahatām īhitaṁ vata . Imāṁ śambhu-guhābhikhyāṁ sa guhāṁ sva-guṇoktaye vyāttāsyaśriyam asyorvvī dharasyeva vyadhād vudhaḥ . tatākam āśmam etac ca bhogibhoga-dhr̥tācyutam· tapas-tejas-tanūbhūta dugdhāvdhim iva sannyadhāt· . pāvanāya pranayināṁ vyoma-tīrthābhidhānakam· Idan tīrtham adr̥śyaṁ sa dr̥śyatām anayan muniḥ . bhasma-pātram idaṁ pātra pratipādita-kośakaḥ Akarot sa sura-rṣīṇām imāś ca prati-yātaṇāḥ .

tai kaṁpal jaṁnvana vraḥ śrikaṇdhṭha

bhūri bhuri asyorvvīdhara asyorvīdhara bhogibhoga bhogi bhoga

Homage to Śiva whose burning radiance spread all over disperses the darkness that blurs the creatures' view.

The sage named Dharmāvāsa, because he was born in Dharmāvāsapura, and in whom pure Dharma resided, was like the Dharma himself.

Although his native country was very wealthy, he went away to the forest. Ah! Wonderful is the aspiration of the great to live on alms!

In order for his virtues to be proclaimed, this sage arranged this cave named "Śambhu Cave" Śambhuguhā, which is like a pretty open mouth in this mountain.

Nearby he made this stone tank, similar to the Ocean of Milk which he is said to have manifested by the ardor of his asceticism, and inexhaustible thanks to the protection of a Nāga or: with Viṣṇu carried on the folds of the serpent.

Hommage à Śiva dont l'éclat brûlant répandu de toute part, disperse l'obscurité qui trouble la vue des créatures.

Le sage, qui portait le nom de Dharmāvāsa, parce qu'il était né à Dharmāvāsapura, et en qui résidait le pur Dharma, fut comme le Dharma en personne.

Bien que son pays natal fût très riche, il s'en alla dans la forêt. Ah! merveilleuse aspiration des grands que de vivre d'aumônes !

Afin que l'on proclame ses vertus, ce sage a aménagé cette grotte nommée « grotte de Śambhu » Śambhuguhā, qui est comme une jolie bouche ouverte dans cette montagne.

Près de là, il a fait , semblable à l'Océan de lait qu'il aurait manifesté par l'ardeur de son ascétisme, et intarissable grâce à la protection d'un Nāga ou : avec Viṣṇu porté sur les replis du serpent.

Ce muni a rendu visible, pour servir aux ablutions de ceux qui le désirent, ce tīrtha nommé Vyomatīrtha qui était invisible auparavant.

Lui dont le trésor tient maintenant dans un bol, il a fait ce vase à cendres et ces images des Dieux et des R̥ṣis.


The last line in Old Khmer was probably written by a different person, because the writing is smaller and irregular.

The last Om̐ sign is not mentioned by G. Cœdès because the rubbings do not show it.

First edited by George Cœdès (398-400) with a French translation of the Sanskrit stanzas. Re-edited here by Chloé Chollet based on photographs and 3D model, with an English translation.
