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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.
The lettering is characteristic of the seventh-eighth century CE.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.
Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml file.
śrī maṇ
kaṁmratāṅ· Añ· qnak ta daṅ·
gi ta daṅ· kaṁtiṅ· gi hoṅṅa kālla nivandha ta gi divasa
śulta kon· cnaṅ· Aṁpal· dlaḥ
nau qnak· ta daṅ· lopeya neḥ dāna ta roḥha neḥha ge dau siṅ·
ta gi caṁkā vīśa juh· niraya śītā nā gi ta
Le Seigneur Maṇḍaleśvara
Les gens qui toucheront à ces dons faits par Poñ Kṣetra
Saveros Pou's edition contains 9 lines, from lines 2 to 10 in this edition.
Edited by Saveros Pou (