Rock inscription from Kbal Spean (K. 1011-1) EpiDoc encoding Chloé Chollet intellectual authorship of edition Claude Jacques Chloé Chollet DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSCIK01011-1

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.śriī-sūryyavarmmaṇo mantriī sralap-nāmā dayā sahasra-liṅgam aiśvaryyañ cakre ṣac-chaila-randhadhrakaiḥ vraḥ sahasraliṅga 986 neḥ ti vraḥ kamrateṅa Aña śrī narendravarmma sruka sralaka gi ta thve ti pandita thve tattva-nyāsa nu pūjā toya-vidhi
śriī śrī sralaṅ sralañ Claude Jacques' reading is interesting since sralañ – which means “to love, to affectionate” (515) – is attested in Old Khmer, in particular as the name of a slave, unlike sralaṅ. However, our reading is certain. dayā ha narendravarmma sruka narendravarmma sralaka sralañ gi ti ta pandita panna ta gi ta thve ti pandita thve The restoration is highly hypothetical. In order to obtain the sense presuposed in my translation, one further needs to move gi ta to stand before the second occurence of thve. tattva-nyāsa nu pū

Le ministre mantrī de sa Majesté Sūryavarman, du nom de Sralaṅ, a fait ce sahasraliṅga d'Īśvara en l'année indiquée par les 9 cavités, 7 montagnes et six.

Ce saint sahasraliṅga de 986 śaka a été fait par le vraḥ kamrateṅ Añ Śrī Narendravarman du village de Sralak pour que gi ta les savants fassent le tattvanyāsa" application of true principles " , N. of a ceremony in honour of Vishṇu (application of mystical letters to parts of the body while prayers are recited) , Lit. Tantr. avec la pūjā et le rite aquatique toyavidhiCette cérémonie .

There is an error between the dates expressed in the Sanskrit (976 śaka) and Old Khmer (986 śaka) parts. Moreover, it is unusual in the Old Khmer part not to have the term śaka following the date, but there is another example of this case in an inscription of Kbal Spean (K.1011-2).

First edited by Claude Jacques (358), with a French translation. Re-edited by Chloé Chollet from a photogrammetric model.