Unpublished Prasat Trapeang Chhouk inscription (993 śaka, K. 1490) EpiDoc Encoding Chloé Chollet intellectual authorship of edition Chloé Chollet DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSCIK01490

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Chloé Chollet.


The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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rājā śrīharṣavarmmākhyo namrāneka-nareśvaraḥ prajāhita-kr̥todyogaḥ kṣatra-dharmmānvayabhuvaḥ pandita-śśāstā tasya śrī-haravarmmaṇaḥ tri-randhra-randhra-śakena śvaram atiṣṭhipat· It would be possible also to read vanditaś (“venerated”) Diwakar points out that the theonym looks as if it might have been deliberately chiselled away. Could the foundation have been rescinded or reattributed ? It looks as though śrīvāgīśvaram could have been written, since one sees part of the lower loop of the r, which could have belonged to śrī, and one sees an erased blob that is roughly the shape of a ga (before śvaram). This, combined with the supposition that the donor's name may have been Vāgīśapaṇḍita, leads us to this guess. But note that śrīvāgīśvaram (or śrīvāgeśvaram, to use a tantric form) would be hypermetrical ! . yasya mātāmahau dh/vīrau śrī-vāla-pāarameṣṭhinau Āyācetām imāṁ bhūmiṁ śivalokam irā-patim· . pūrvvasyāṁ thmo raṅgap-sīmā -yāmyaṁ pr̥thu-nadī tathā bhāge deva-mahā-sālaḥ puṣpamūlam udag-diśi .

Unpublished inscription. Edition by Chloé Chollet based on photographs.