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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Chloé Chollet.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.
Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml file.
teṅ· Aṅ· śivaliṅga Āy· vraḥ śrī narendragrāma jvan· vraḥ kalaśa
ddhā varddhe paripālana dharmma neḥ svey· phala samabhāga nu vraḥ kamrateṅ· Añ śrīyogīśvarapandita vvaṁ Āc ti pre qna
k· jāgrāma thve nār· vvaṁ Āc ti dār· vnās· cañcūla phoṅ· leṅ· Oya caṁnāṁ kalpaṇā neḥ guḥ leṅ· roḥha kalpaṇā vraḥ
kamrateṅ· Añ· śrīyogīśvarapandita sruka jāgrāma man· vraḥ pāda kamrateṅ· kaṁtvan· Añ· śrīsūryyavarmma de
va pre vāt· saṅ gol· pi Oy· nu khñuṁ noḥ phoṅ· jā vraḥ dakṣiṇā sthāpaka tarāpa bhūmi toy· pūrvva cval· stuk·
toy· dakṣiṇa prasap· śaṅkaraparvvata toy· paścima cval· kūpa toya Uttara prasap· travāṅ· svāy·
En 959
Que le parent, le disciple et l'
Ce pays de Jāgrāma, S. M. Kamrateṅ Kaṁtvan Śrī Sūryavarmadeva ordonne d'en faire le tour, de l'aborner et de le pourvoir d'esclaves, en guise de donation au fondateur. il s'étend à l'est jusque dans Stuk
Digne du respect des savants, le deva Śrī Yogīśvarapaḍita, a donné à Sūryavarmeśvara ce vase orné d'or.
Connaissant tous les
First edited by George Cœdès with a French translation (