Stela from Si Thep (K. 978), 6th century Śaka EpiDoc Encoding Kunthea Chhom intellectual authorship of edition Arlo Griffiths DHARMA Siem Reap DHARMA_INSCIK00978

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.


The lettering is characteristic of the seventh century CE.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.

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Adding paleographical remark Updating toward the encoding template v03 Modifications of edition, apparatus and bibliography Update template 2 Basic structural encoding of the inscription
śakapatisaṁvatsare śubhrāṣṭamo dikṣūrvy advayā na pra ler abhyastabhūri nanda vidito dikṣu vikhyāta kāṭā vairibhūtyaiṣa śilās sthāpayet so 'pi rā śrī-cakra-vartti-naptā śrīmān prathivīndravarmma-tanayo ya śrī-bhavavarmmendra-samas tasya ca rājyodbhave kāle . . .
dikṣu Je ne vois pas de différence entre kṣū et kṣu AG. śilās śivāṁs śrīmān śrī

En l'année du roi des śaka le huitiéme jour de la lune croissante dans les orients la terre non divisée en deux célèbre dans les orients des images de Śiva furent érigées par ce roi, petit-fils de. Śrī Cakravartin, fils de Śrī Prathivīndravarman nommé Śrī Bhavavarman, semblable à Indra, au moment où il accédait à la royauté.

Edited by George Cœdès (7158) with a French translation; reedited by Arlo Griffiths.

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