Inscription of Tuol Slaeng (K. 1489), 563 Śaka EpiDoc Encoding Kunthea Chhom intellectual authorship of edition Kunthea Chhom Chhunteng Hun Arlo Griffiths DHARMA Siem Reap DHARMA_INSCIK01489

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The lettering is characteristic of the seventh century CE.

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Initial encoding of the inscription
rājñā śākena piṇdaṁ dahana-rasa-śarair aṅkitaṁ vatsarāṇāṁ . māghasyādye ca pakṣe dvi-divasa-rahmpite yāmini sā yadā syāt· . senduḫ puṣyas tadāyaṁ tri-bhuvana-varadas sthāpitas tatra saśrī -viṣṇur yyogaiśubhasmair vviracita-makareṇodite ca grahāṇā. yad dattaṁ śramanādibhyo tad ato 'pi na tad dhanaṁ tad ahāryya nr̥peṇāpi kiṁ punaḥ suta-vāndhavaiḥ . pāka-bhedo kr̥taghnaś ca bhumi-harttā ca te trayaḥ narakān na nivarttate yāvat soma-divākaraḥ . satrānāṁ prāk-pravr̥ttānāṁ bhedanaṁ yaḥ karoti ca sa pāpa-kr̥t pāpataraḥ pāka-bheda Iti smr̥taḥ . Ācāryya-viṣṇudattasya satyavattyāś ca yas sutaḥ dharmadattāhvayo dvābhyān tenāyaṁ sthāpyate hariḥ . yo dattā veṣṇave samyak -dāsā-dāsi-dhanāni ca kṣetrārāma-paśun bhaktyā svarggam yāti savāndhavai. śrīgovindasya yaddravya kaś cit puṣpādi yo haret sarvvai prakula-santānais tīvraṁ yātu sa rauravam· .

. vraḥ kamratāṅ· śrī govindasvāmī man· Ācāryya dharmmadatta duk· nu dravya Ācāryya daiya Oy· puṇya Ācāryya viṣṇudatta Oy· puṇya vraḥ hañ· satyavati ge yajamāna Ācāryya dharmmadatta Aṁnoy· ta vraḥ kñuṁ ghoda vā klapit· I kñuṁ ta kantai ku jadda I ku kanteṅ· I ku smo vñau I ku AnroI kon· ge phoṅ· caṁdak ta si vā kaṁvañ· pOn· vā Ukka vā ti bhāgya tmur· 10 sre sanre IIII dariṅ· Anta kaṁluṅ· gui phoṅ· gan· Aṁnoy· ta vraḥ phoṅ· gui na gui tel· prasiddha saṁ Āy· ta vraḥ kamratāṅ· Añ· śrī cakratīrthasvāmi vraḥ Ācāryya dharmmadatta . sru satra ge vraḥ ta gui saṁvatsara ta moyya droṅ· caṁren ta gui dvādaśi viṣuvagraha bhai IIIIII tloṅ· IIIII santā tloṅ· I Aṁpel· hvāṅ· 10 IIII slā slik· IIIIIIIII plon· I pareṅ· pañjut· Antoṅ· II mās· IIII pareṅ· madhupakka mās· IIIIII ṅraṅor· Antoṅ· III krīyā nu Utsava ge vraḥ ta gui Ai ta ponna sru so tloṅ· 10 rnāc· 10 IIIII sla vraḥ plon· IIII tnaḥ IIII bhāgavata pās· plon· IIII varṣākāri pnon· IIII pareṅ· mās· IIIII ṅroṅor· Antoṅ· 10 pañjut· mās· II santāk· je II Aṁpel· hvāṅ· IIII varṣā sre sanre II lṅo tloṅ· II varṣā paṁnos· paṁjuḥ canlek· yau IIII kney· I kandel· II pareṅ· mās· II sre sanre 10 bhagaenmātra bhāgavata lṅo tloṅ· I varṣā ge vraḥ dai canlek· yau II snuṁ tpoṅ· yau I kansā yajña yau I cnaṅ· saṁruIIIIII daṅgāra IIII noṅ· IIII crās· II qvāk· II taroṅ· II lañcoṅ· IIIIII ckoy· pāy· II carā II jagartti bhai IIIII krapās· kaddṭṭi IIII canhus· pur· kvit· kaṁdot· qnap· pañjut taṅkal· bhoga stiita gui Utsava

On the first [day] of [the month of] Māgha of the year totally marked by [3] fires-[6] flavours-[5] arrows (563) [in the era created] by King Śaka, ... at that time this Tribhuvanavarada was installed there along with Śrī Viṣṇu.

What (yat) is given (dattaṁ) to the ascetics and others (śramanādibhyaḥ), that wealth (tad dhanaṁ), it (tat) is not to be taken away (ahāryyaṁ) even (api) by king (nr̥peṇa), let alone (kiṁ punas) by [his] sons and relatives (suta-vāndhavaiḥ).

The obstructer of [what is] cooked (pākabhedaḥ), the destroyer of [what is] created (kr̥taghnaś) and the robber of land, these three (te trayaḥ) do not return (na nivarttante) from hell (narakāt) as long as (yāvat) the moon and the sun (soma-divākaraḥ) [exist].

He who (yaḥ) destroys (bhedanaṁ karoti) the satras (satrānāṁ) which had been conducted/ had been occurring before (prāk-pravr̥ttānāṁ), is a sinner (pāpa-kr̥t), very sinful (pāpataraḥ), [and] is remembered (smr̥taḥ) as (iti) destructor of cooked food (pāka-bheda).

He who (yaḥ) is son (sutaḥ) of the two (dvābhyām), Ācārya Viṣṇudatta (ācāryya-viṣṇudattasya) and Satyavatī (satyavattyāḥ), called Dharmadatta (dharmmadattāhvayaḥ), by him (tena) this (ayaṁ) [image of] Hari (hariḥ) was installed (sthāpyate).

He who (yaḥ) offers (dattā) with devotion (bhaktyā) the whole of male and female servants and wealth (samyak-dāsa-dāsī-dhanāni) as well as (ca) paddy field, parks and cattle (kṣetrārāma-paśūn) to Viṣṇu (viṣṇave) goes (yāti) to heaven (svarggam) together with his kinsmen (savāndhavaiḥ).

He whoever (yaḥ kaś cit) takes away (haret) his ? wealth (yad-dravyam), flower etc. (puṣpādi), of Śrī Govinda (śrīgovindasya) goes (saḥ yātu) the severe [hell] Raurava (tīvraṁ rauravam) with all (sarvvaiḥ) [his] race and progeny (prakula-santānaiḥ).

Lord Śrī Govindasvāmī. Ācārya Dharmadatta arranged wealth of other Ācārya to donate as foundation.

Ācārya Viṣṇudatta donated as foundation of the god. Hañ Satyavatī was the person sponsoring the sacrifice. Ācārya Dharmadatta donated to the God the robust male servants [named] Vā Klapit; the female servants [named] Ku Jadda, Ku Kanteṅ, Ku Smo Vñau, Ku Anrok, together with their children [who were] the male domestics [named] Vā Kaṁvañ Paon, Vā Ukka, Vā Ti Bhāgya; 10 cows, 4 Sanre of paddy fields, plantations and the orchards inside the premises; the group of people which were offered to the god, [i.e.] those who were assigned to be used as common wealth with My Lord Śrī Cakratīrthasvāmī, the god of Ācārya Dharmadatta.

The paddy which was for distribution as food to the servants of the god every year in order to celebrate [the festival] on the twelfth days, on the equinox days and on the eclipse days was 120 [measures and] 5 tloṅ; 1 tloṅ of beans, 14 hvāṅ of salt, 400 arecas, 2 antoṅ and 4 mās of oil for purification; 6 mās of oil of honey and milk?; 3 antoṅ of [oil made of] sesame.

For ritual food and the festivals of the servants of (the four ?) gods: 10 tloṅ of husked rice, 15 rnāc, 160 arecas for the god, 4 tnaḥ, 160 of bhāgavat pās, 160 varṣākāri, 5 mās of oil/ ghee, 10 antoṅ of sesame oil, 2 mās of oil of purification, 2 je of beans, 4 hvāṅ of salt, …, 2 sanre of paddy field, 2 tloṅ of sesame, 4 yau of the rainy-season lower garments for expiatory sacrifice priest, 1 pillow, 2 woven mats, 2 mās of oil/ ghee, … 1 tloṅ of sesame, 2 yau of the rainy-season lower garments of the servants of other god, 1 yau of snuṁ tpoṅ, 1 yau of kansā yajña, 6 repoussé cooking-pots, 4 daṅgāra, 4 noṅ, 2 brushes, 2 ladles, 2 containers with hole?, 6 lañcoṅ, 2 ckoy of rice, 2 incense burners, 100 jagartti, 4 kaṭṭi of cotton, … in festivals.

Preliminarily edited by Chhom Kunthea, Hun Chhunteng and Arlo Griffiths from an estampage made by Hun Chhunteng in January 2021.