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Without any certainties, the hand of the inscription seems to be the same for the four faces. Therefore, it is probable that it was written all at once, even though the text mentions facts relating to Jayavarman III, as well as an edict from Jayavarman V.
The i of the inscription are often written as ī.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
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śāka bhūmi vrai neḥ grāmavr̥ddhi kathā man· bhūmi vrai vraḥ ganloṅ·
ti dhūli vraḥ pāda ta stac· dau viṣṇuloka stac· cāp taṁmrya ta g
tya nu grāmavr̥ddhi chvatta bhūmi vrai ta vvaṁ tel
jā srey
śivācāryya nu kule steñ· ś
chdiṅ· merena prasap· bhūmi kan·myaṅ· vraḥ kralā lqvaṅ· ti pūrvva
dakṣiṇa canhvar· vrāl
prasap· bhūmi vrai smac· nu
ṅ· kum
ñ· śr
kamrateṅ· Añ· śr
kamrateṅ· Añ· śr
kamrateṅ· Añ· ta rājya sru vra
y· vraḥ bhoga kamrateṅ· jagāt· liṅgapura raṅko thlvaṅ· mvāy· mvā
It· teṅ· lem· nu kvan cau qninditapūri teṁ teṅ· As· nu kvan cau qnindi
pāy· vraḥ śivaliṅga ta gi sruk· dadiṅ· vraḥ śivaliṅga ta gi sruk· sru
punya qji steñ· śivācāryya
va ta jmaḥ loñ· hariya Aṅgvay ta gi nu kule thve caṁnat· qval
k· Ek· Āy· yalyāp· Āy· vnaṁ vyādhapūra Āy· cāṁpeśvara Āy· jamvū
śa sruk· vr̥ddhanivāsa paścima sruk· kaṁsteṅ· sruk· steñ·
Āy· gan
vācāryya jeṅ· sruk·
lvaḥ ta vraḥ rājya kamrateṅ· Añ ta svey· vraḥ dharmmarājya
Ekanavaqṣṭa śaka kamrateṅ· Añ· vraḥ guru cval· mel
Añ· śrī
ta jmaḥ bhadra
da dhūli jeṅ·
tu man dai sañjakka pī mukhya ta kamrateṅ· phdai karoṁ gus· pi yok· vvaṁ Āc ti Oy ta qnak ta sañjak ta rok kanakadanda
y ta qnak ta Uttama piya noḥ rok kanakadanda noḥ kule noḥ man· Oy· vvaṁ Āc ti trap· dau nā mr̥ttakadhana nau ruv
man· ka Āc ti paryyan· hoṅ· nāṁ mok· Oy· pi Ācāryya caturācāryya pre paryyan· sikṣā Āy· nagara pi pre ta vraḥ rāja
kāryya nā paṁnvas· vvaṁ Āc ti bhāgavatta
vraḥ rikta kaṁvi
loka lvaḥ paraloka @ ge mān· sukha sthi
ñ· sadāśiva loñ· pañ· loñ·
nu kvan·
Le roi confia aux anciens le soin de délimiter ce domaine forestier où l'on n'avait encore jamais fait de village, où l'on n'avait encore jamais fait de rizière, d'y planter les bornes, et le concéda gracieusement à
La borne du nord-est, au nord de la rivière Merena, touche à la terre du
Fondation de
Les membres de la famille de
Voici, les œuvres pies que les ancêtres de
le village de
Sous le règne de S. M. qui jouit de la royauté sainte en 891 śaka,
90x śaka, cinquième jour de la lune croissante de Puṣya, mercredi mansion lunaire Pūrvabhādra
This inscription is incomplete. Indeed, 7 lines of the east face, 19 lines of the north face, 10 lines of the west face, and 9 lines of the south face are ruined. Therefore, the line 1 of the edition does not correspond to the actual first line, which cannot be read anymore.
The end of the west face and the integrality of the south face are inscribed with the same edict we may read in the inscriptions K. 444, K. 868 and K. 1063. However, contrary to these three inscriptions, the stela contains other textual parts non related to the edict in question.
No specific translation of this inscription has been made. For the time being, George Cœdès recommanded to refer to the translation of K. 444.
Even though they are ligatured with a ta, the scribe inscribed a
First described by Étienne Aymonier (