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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Salomé Pichon.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.
Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml file.
ṇu mān· vraḥ śāsana dhūli vraḥ pāda dhūli jeṅ· vraḥ kaṁ
mrateṅ· Añ· ta kaṁsteṅ· Añ· rājakulamahāmantri kaṁ
steṅ· Añ· śrīnr̥pendravarmma mratāñ· khloñ·
mratāñ· khloñ· khloñ· glāṅ· mratāñ· khloñ
pabhaktivikrama mratāñ· śrīnr̥pabhaktivallabha mratā
ñ· śrīmahendravallabha khloñ· vala ta khloñ· saṁ
tāp· mratāñ· śrīdr̥ḍhabhaktivallabha mratāñ·
śrīguṇapandita mratāñ· śrīIndrapandita mratāñ· I
khñuṁ vraḥ kaṁmrate
khñuṁ si kaṁpus· si kaṁpu
ñ· si kaṁvai si kaṁ
pur· si kr̥s· tai
kaṁvai kvana
dharmma kvana pī
thaqyak· kvana 2
thkān· tai kaṁvrau
kaṁprvat· kva
kaṁpur· kvana
khlās· laṅgau
thmur· krapī
tai saṁAp·
ta vraḥ kaṁsteṅ· A
tai kaṁvaḥ kvan·
tai saṁAp· tai kaṁvai
tai dharmma tai kaṁpit·
si panlās si ka
nteṅ· tai pandan· kva
kule phoṅṅa
tai kandhar·
si ś
Fortune ! Succès ! Victoire !
Le roi qui prit le fardeau de la terre
Aux deux divinités Parameśvara et Ārya Maitri
888 śaka, premier jour de la lune croissante d'Āṣādha, vendredi, il y eut un ordre
Esclaves de V.K. Śrī Ārya Maitri
1 aiguière de cuivre, 1
Esclaves offerts par Vāp.. jeune homme du
The indistinct symbol takes the form of two little dots vertically traced, one above the baseline, the other below. They seem to have been added after the engraving of the following text.
First edited by George Cœdès with a French translation (