Pedestal from Houay Sa Houa, Vat Phu (inscription of Citrasena-Mahendravarman, K. 1174), 6th century Śaka EpiDoc Encoding Kunthea Chhom intellectual authorship of edition Gerdi Gerschheimer DHARMA Siem Reap DHARMA_INSCIK01174

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The akṣaras are characteristic of the seventh century.

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Adding paleographical remark and modification to edition and commentary Initial encoding of the inscription
naptā śrī-sārvvabhaumasya sūnuś śrī-vīravarmmaṇaḥ śaktyānūnaẖ kaniṣṭho 'pi bhrātā śrī-bhavavarmmaṇaḥ śrī-citrasenanāmā ya pūrvvam āhata-lakṣaṇaḥ sa śrī-mahendravarmmeti nāma bheje 'bhiṣekajam· deva-bhūyaṅ gatasyāpin pituś śrī-vīravarmmaṇaḥ nāmasmr̥tyai vr̥ṣam imaṁ śilāmayam atiṣṭhipat·

Il installa ce taureau de pierre à la mémoire / pour le souvenir du nom nāma-smr̥ti de Śrīvīravarman, son père allé / parti gatasya vers la divinité.

Grandson of Śrī Sārvabhauma and son of Śrī Vīravarman, in spite of being the youngest brother of Śrī Bhavavarman he was not inferior in power.

He whose mark was well known āhatalakṣaṇaḥ previously by name Śrī Citrasena received Śrī Mahendravarman as a name created at the time of his enthronement.

He installed this stone bull for the memory of the name of his father, viz. Śrī Vīravarmman who had departed surely api to divinity.

The first two stanzas of this inscription are identical to those of ten inscriptions, viz. K. 363, K. 496, K. 497, K. 508, K. 509, K. 1102, K. 1106, K. 1190, K. 1339 and K. 1340.

The first stanza of this inscription is identical to that of inscriptions K. 1173 and K. 1341.

Edited preliminarily by Gerdi Gerschheimer from the estampages EFEO n. 1700 and EFEO n. 1701.