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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Gerdi Gerschheimer & Arlo Griffiths.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
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tadyathā A
li ki
Ha Van Tan readsThe photographs that have since become available remove all doubt about the presence ofdharmmā . I cnnnot see thein the plate, which is not entirely clear. The reading can only be resolved with a better reproduction. (Note that Ha Van Tan's transcript uses only one diacritic, ra a = ā ).
punctuationsign as double
The states arisen from a cause, their cause the Tathāgata proclaims, as well as their cessation: this is the teaching of the Great Ascetic.
Suffering, the arising of suffering, and the transcendence of suffering, and the noble eightfold path, leading to the cessation of suffering that is emancipation
As follows:
The translations for stanzas I and II are taken here from the ones offered by other scholars for K. 820 and K. 1455.
On the metrical deviance of the first four
Provisionally edited by Hà Văn Tấn