Doorjamb of Tuol Ang Trapeang Trav (K. 1396), 7th century CE EpiDoc Encoding Kunthea Chhom intellectual authorship of edition Chhunteng Hun Kunthea Chhom DHARMA Siem Reap DHARMA_INSCIK01396

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.


The lettering is characteristic of the seventh century CE.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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Adding paleographical remark and modifications to edition, translation, apparatus and bibliography Initial encoding of the inscription

gi qnaṅ· dār· canlek· praṁpi yau canlek· praṁpi yau II sru tlo· sru tloṅ· II Īśvara dāva canlek· Aṁval· yau canlek· kaṁvār· jaṁnmer· krapi yau I Et· sru tloṅ· IIII ge phoṅ· A gaṇeśvara Aṁruṅ· gui sre kanlaḥ pindṇḍa gui ta pinda vlaḥ I poñ· kr̥s· poñ· bhadraśakti Oy· sre ta vraḥ mās· III kanlaḥ pindṇḍa tel· Oy· ta ge yo II poñ· bhāga poñ· vidyādeva Oy· sre ta vraḥ mās· III je I sre piṅ· mās· II canlek· ta poñ· bhāga praṁpi yo II canlek· Aṁval· yo II sru tloṅ· 10 canlek· praṁpi yo I ta poñ· vidyādeva poñ· dharmmmaśakti Oy· sre ta vraḥ mās· II canlek· praṁpi yo I poñ· Īśānabhakti poñ· Uy· Oy· sre ta vraḥ mās· II canlek· grāṅ· yo I tel· Oy· ta poñ· Uy· Aṁval· yo I sru tloṅ· I poñ· ratnakīrtti Oy· sre ta vraḥ mās· II canlek· praṁpikaṁvārAṁval· yo tel· Oy· ta poñ· ratnakīrtti yo I sre man· dharmmaśakti r canlek· kaṁva ple pi yo tnor· dār· sin· canlek Aṁval· yo I

yo I ta poñ· yo I poñ·

Qnaṅ receives yau of Praṁpi cloth, 2 yau of Praṁpi cloth, tloṅ of unhusked rice, 2 tloṅ of unhusked rice.

Īśvara receives yau of Aṁval cloth , , 1 yau of Kaṁvār Jaṁnmer Krapi cloth , 4 tloṅ of unhusked rice.

People with paddy field of Gaṇeśvara measured half a sre; total ; total 1 pair of cloth.

Poñ Kr̥s and Poñ Bhadraśakti offer 3 and a half mās of paddy fields to the god; total of items given to the people as the cost of the fields: 2 yau.

Poñ Bhāga and Poñ Vidyādeva offer to the god 3 mās and 1 je of paddy field and the paddy field Piṅ of 2 mās; to Poñ Bhāga is given 2 yau of Praṁpi cloth, 2 yau of Aṁval cloth and 10 tloṅ of unhusked rice; 1 yau of Praṁpi cloth to Poñ Vidyādeva.

Poñ Dharmaśakti offers to the god 2 mās of paddy field and 1 yau of Praṁpi cloth.

Poñ Īśānabhakti and Poñ Uy offer to the god 2 mās of paddy field, 1 yau of Grāṁ cloth; 1 yau of Aṁval cloth and 1 tloṅ of unhusked rice are given to Poñ Uy.

Poñ Ratnakīrtti offers to the god 2 mās of paddy field, yau of Praṁpi or Kaṁvār or Aṁval cloth ; 1 yau of cloth iss given to Poñ Ratnakīrtti.

The paddy field which Dharmmaśakti of Kaṁvar cloth 3 yau; 1 yau of Aṁval cloth as exchange to receive more.

Bhadaśakti is attested in K. 41, possibly a Prakrit form of Bhadraśakti.

First edited by Chhunteng Hun () in Roman and Khmer scripts with a Khmer translation; re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom from the photograph of the inscription P3050062.
