North pillar of the West side of the East Gopura II of Prasat Thom (K. 682-1), 843 Śaka EpiDoc Encoding Salomé Pichon intellectual authorship of edition George Cœdès Claude Jacques Eric Bourdonneau Salomé Pichon DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSCIK00682-1

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Salomé Pichon.


Some virāma do not appear by lack of space of the stone.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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Initial encoding of the inscription, with placeName tagging

843 śaka nu mrateñ· śikhāvindu khloñ· vnaṁ vraḥ kamrateṅ· Añ· jagat ta rājya. jvan· sruk· ryyuṅ· pramān· thaqOṅ·. sī kañcū sī kaṁvrau sī kañ·yvan· sī pandan· sī kañcū sot· sī kanso sī kaṁvai sī saṁAp· sī srac ta vraḥ tai phtal· tai pan·heṁ tai krau tai Anaṅga tai khmau tai jnau tai kaṁvai tai kaṁpañ· tai kanteṅ· tai Aṅgāra. phsaṁ 109.

sruk· śivanivāsa pramān· chpar· ransi sī chpoṅ· sī kaṁvai sī kanteṅ· sī vrahey· tai kanhey· sī kandhap· sī kaṁvrau sī saṁAp· sī kaṁvrau tai bhājana tai jvik· sre jvay· Anle I sre thmo bhval· Anle I phsaṁ 10I.

krapi ye 20I jmol· 9 canmat· 2010 thmur· 4010

843 843 843 vraḥ vraḥ . vraḥ pan·heṁ panhe panheṁ kanteṅ· kanteṅ kanten

En 843 śaka, le mrateñ Śikhāvindu, khloñ vnaṁ du vraḥ kamrateṅ añ jagat ta rājya le Devarāja, "l'auguste seigneur des mondes du royaume", offre le village de Ryyuṅ dans le district de Thaoṅ s'ensuit une liste de 9 et 10 tai : Kañcū ; Kaṁvrau ; Kañyvan ; Pandan ; Kañcū additionnel ; Kanso ; Kaṁvai ; Saṁap ; Srac Ta Vraḥ ; tai Phtal ; tai Panheṁ ; tai Krau ; tai Anaṅga ; tai Khmau ; tai Jnau ; tai Kaṁvai ; tai Kaṁpañ ; tai Kanteṅ ; tai Aṅgāra. Au total : 19 individus.

Il offre également le village de Śivanivāsa dans le district de Chpar Ransi s'ensuit une liste de 8 , 3 tai, 2 rizières : Chpoṅ ; Kaṁvai ; Kanteṅ ; Vrahey ; tai Kanhey ; Kandhap ; Kaṁvrau ; SaṁAp ; Kaṁvrau ; tai Bhājana ; tai Jvik ; 1 rizière Jvay ; 1 rizière Thmo Bhval. Au total : 11 individus.

21 bufflesses buffles féminins ; 9 buffles buffles masculins ; 30 taureaux ; 50 boeufs.

Although the scribe systematically engraved with long -ī, George Cœdès has transcribed it as si, with short vowel.

First edited in French by George Cœdès with a partial translation (15). Then re-edited in French by Claude Jacques with translation (114). Re-edited again in French by Eric Bourdonneau et al, although the re-edition wasn't published. Re-edited here by Salomé Pichon with fresh translation in French based on EFEO estampage n. 817.

15 114