Stela of Tuol Ang Sangram (K. 1298), 7th-8th century CE EpiDoc Encoding Kunthea Chhom intellectual authorship of edition Kunthea Chhom Gerdi Gerschheimer Dominique Soutif Arlo Griffiths DHARMA Siem Reap DHARMA_INSCIK01298

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sre Aṁnoy· poñ· vināyaka mās· III prak· so niṣkraya gui liṅ· I ½ canlenlek· yugala yau I Aṁ kaṁvala yau I gui neḥ nai vraḥ Utpanna gui neḥu nū gui kṣetra sre Aṁnoy· poñ· kheoṅ· māsa I sre Anoy· poñ· vidyādeva māsa I vā kñuṁ vraḥ · Oy· ta vraḥ tmur· dneṁ III satra vraḥ ta gui tai ta moy· liḥ II can·lek· yau II ta gui saṁvatsara ta moyya gui ne cātujātakapramāna nu ge yajamāna Ai ta ed gui nu vraḥ daṅ· jā sthita gui vagśo

vināyaka vinayaśi vinayana gui gīya gui liṅ· liṅ· jyaṅ· canlenlek· canlek· canlek· The first syllable nle is partly destroyed because the stela is broken. But it is sufficiently readable on the estampage and does not seem to be voluntarily removed. gui neḥ giya no gui neḥ Aṁ kaṁvala yau I Aṁ kaṁvala 6 3 Aṁvala yau 2 vraḥ Utpanna gui neḥu nū gui vraḥ Utpanna giya tra giya vraḥ Utpanna gui neḥ mān· nu gui kheoṅ· eṅ· kheṅ māsa māsa mās· māsa māsa mās· tvañ· tel· Oy· ta vraḥ Oy· ta vraḥ Oy· vraḥ dneṁ III dneṁ 3 dneṁ II vraḥ ta gui tai ta moy· liḥ II vraḥ Utpanna jiṅa I liḥ 2 satra vraḥ ta gui tṅai ta moy· liḥ I liḥ II liḥ 2 liḥ I k· yau II ta gui saṁvatsara ta moyya gi ne k· yo 3 ta giya saṁvatsara to moyya giya no k· yau II ta gui saṁvatsara ta moyya gui no cātujātakapramāṇacāturjātakapramāna mātya jātaka cātujātaka pramāṇa ge yajamāna Ai ta edgui nu n· Ai ta jeṅ· giya nu ge yajamāna Ai kaṅeṅ ṭa gui nu vraḥ daṅ· ma jā sthita gui vagśo The whole line is illegible. jā sṭhita gui dharmme nā ge dau
The translation is given after with modifications because of new reading in lines 4, 6, 7, 9 and 11.

Rizière en offrande de Poñ Vināyaka, mesurant 3 mās, d'un prix équivalant à 1 liṅ et demi d'argent blanc, 1 yau de vêtements doubles, 1 yau de couverture : cela devint propriété du dieu Utpanna.

Voici d'autres champs et rizières, offerts par Poñ Kheṅ/Khoṅ, soit 1 mās, rizières offertes par Poñ Vidyādeva, soit 1 mās. Des serviteurs hommes offerts au dieu, et 3 paires de bœufs.

Sacrifice au dieu chaque jour, 2 liḥ de riz, et 3 yau d'étoffe pour chaque année.

Les quatre castes et le yajamāna résident à ainsi que le dieu

Paddy field offered by Poñ Vināyaka, measuring 3 mās, with a price equal to 1 liṅ and a half of white silver, 1 yau of pairs of cloth, 1 yau of blanket : all this was the propriety of god Utpanna.

Here are other plantations and paddy fields, offered by Poñ Kheṅ/Khoṅ, equal to 1 mās, paddy fields by Poñ Vidyādeva, equal to 1 mās. Male servants offered to the god and 3 pairs of cows.

Sacrifice to the god everyday, 2 liḥ of rice, and 3 yau of cloth every year.

The four castes and the yajamāna dwelling at as well as the god

First edited by Saveros Pou (197) with a French translation; edited again by Vong Sotheara (70-72) in roman and Khmer script; the variants of reading are taken from the Khmer script; re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom, Gerdi Gerschheimer, Dominique Soutif and Arlo Griffiths from estampage EFEO n. 1708.

70-72 197