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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom & Arlo Griffiths.
The lettering is characteristic of the seventh and eighth centuries CE. The inscription contains 11 Sanskrit stanzas written in 11 lines. The form of the letters suggests that the inscription was written in at least two different periods. We divide the inscription into two parts. The letters of part 1from lines 1-7 are not only smaller but also older than those in part 2 from lines 8-11. If the letters
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.
Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml file.
Le caractère manquant ressemble àBut to us the problematic akṣara is really only the one withyā , mais peut-être est-ceya suivi d'une autre lettre. Le caractèrem paraît surmonté d'un trait vertical: si tel est bien le cas, il faudrait liremo .
Victorious is the god Śrī Vardhamāna, who causes the state of decent men to be prosperous, lord of all worlds, whose stone
The god Śrī Vardhamāna, whose thousand arms grow as they are shaken by the tremors or a terrifying dance,
He who, by the Siddhas, the gods, the demons and the sages, on the mountain tops of the Himālayas, the Malayas, the Sumeru, etc., is always praised as Śrī Vardhamāna,
who is the syllable self
, lord
or void
— may that Śiva
For Him, this ample cell made in brick on the top of the white mountain, fortunate, enduring despite having been built in only six months by nobody else than the honorable Kumārambha.
Desiring that her donation be fruitful
Delighting in asceticism and study, and for the benefit of the Brahmins, she carries out her action
But the sinful people who destroy the servants clearly appointed to that place, fixed upon the desire to appropriate
Victorieux est le dieu Śrī Vardhamāna qui fait prospérer la condition des gens de bien, le maître de tout l'univers, dont le
Que celui dont les mille bras secoués augmentent l'agitation de la danse de Bhairava, le dieu Śrī Vardhamāna dont les pieds sont honorés par les Sura, nous fasse prospérer.
Que celui qui sur les rois des monts à commencer par le Himavat, le Malaya, le Sumeru, est loué sans cesse par les Siddha, les Sura, les Asura, les Muni, le vénérable Śrī Vardhamāna,
La réalité suprême des trois mondes, omniprésente dans l'univers, cause inconcevable, multiple, unique,
Pour ce
Pour la reine, la mère
Désireuse de voir prospérer sa donation, en vue de l'autre vie, elle a donné ici même ces deux belles habitations pour l'usage des porteurs de guirlandes.
Plongée dans la récitation ascétique, attachée au bonheur des brâhmanes, douée de fortune, elle accomplit son oeuvre, les sens apaisés.
Que les hommes mauvais qui molesteront ici les serviteurs affectés
The space which separates the
Cœdès proposes to emend the term
First edited by George Cœdès (