North pillar of the West side of the East Gopura II of Prasat Thom (K. 682-2), 843 Śaka EpiDoc Encoding Salomé Pichon intellectual authorship of edition George Cœdès Claude Jacques Eric Bourdonneau Salomé Pichon DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSCIK00682-2

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Salomé Pichon.


Systematic use of the double ra. The hand of this inscription is different from K. 682-1. It seems less rounded and more cursive.

The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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Initial encoding of the inscription, with placeName and measure tagging

843 śaka nu mratāñ· śrīvīrendrārimathana n dvāc· paṅgaṁ thpvaṅ· nīvedana pi duk· caṁnāṁ ta vraḥ kamrateṅ· Añ· jagat ta rājya. sre canhvar· Aṁ ñcāñ· Oy yajña saṅ·krānta je mvāy kaṁvai ke lāsa. sī dharmma sī Aṁ kaṁpur· tai kan·Īn· mahā

n dvāc· n dāc n dvāc nīvedana nivedana nivedana In their unpublished edition, Bourdonneau et al have read nīvedana as well. caṁnāṁ camnāṁ caṁnāṁ In their unpublished edition, Bourdonneau et al have read caṁnāṁ as well. canhvar· canpār canhvar In their unpublished edition, Bourdonneau et al have read canpvār. ke lāsa lāsa kelāsa In their unpublished edition, Bourdonneau et al have read ke lāsa as well. kaṁpur· kaṁpūr kaṁpur kan·Īn· kan In kan Īn

En 843 śaka, le mratāñ Śrī Vīrendrārimathana informe le souverain avec déférence qu'il a installé des fondations pour le vraḥ kamrateṅ añ jagat ta rājya le Devarāja, "l'auguste seigneur des mondes du royaume" : la rizière Canhvar Aṁ. Il donne pour le sacrifice de saṅkrānta cérémonies de la nouvelle année un je Un je correspond à la contenance d'un panier, cf. kañje. de riz blanc Kaṁvai Ke Lāsa ; Dharmma ; Aṁ ; Kaṁpur ; tai Kanīn Mahā .

This inscription is broken vertically on the right, and to a lesser extent fragments are missing on the left. As a result, some characters are missing.

Although the scribe systematically engraved with long -ī, George Cœdès has transcribed it as si, with short vowel.

First edited in French by George Cœdès with a partial translation (15). Then re-edited in French by Claude Jacques with translation (114-115). Re-edited again in French by Eric Bourdonneau et al, although the re-edition wasn't published. Re-edited here by Salomé Pichon with fresh translation in French based on EFEO estampage n. 817.

15 114-115