Lurah (E. 14) EpiDoc Encoding Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan intellectual authorship of edition Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSIDENKLurah

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Jarrah Sastrawan.


The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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n· duruṁ sucu vka si tuṇḍan·, tan paliṁ vadhana-gulunyan· dulu yan· vvaṁ kanalan· liṁ patana sira tuṇḍan‚ savaḥ tan panaluran a?aya hana ṅatu paruṁ kunalan· vvaṁ kanalan kuluranaḍaḍahanira tan pana sira prihambak· sakehira ṅapit iṁ bruha mava yan ana lumhatan·a pit· patahun· tanātahun kaḍalan·

Verso [plate number 2, in the left margin between lines 1 and 2]

sira, ṅuni-ṅuni yan luṅha rabi tan padesa sira muva saṁ kuna yan ana sira lu ṅha ḍival sama ya lu_raḥ, human· pu tajen ana re, salvirni gave luraḥ kanalan sira muvaḥ yen ana, sira latuḥ skal· kayi sujita sira satahun· r iṁ adoḥ, mara sira muliha, Ana sira luṅha taruṁ gahakira sajii ta sira sotaḥ

gulu hulu vvaṁmvaṁ mara Ana taruṁ karuṁ

Read by Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan in August 2022 from photographs of the Kern Institute rubbing.

239-240 no. CVII 284 Boechari, 1985/6: 52(tk) 304 no. 1002 bijl. II xxiii-xxiv 141 Holle, KO, VBG 39, 1880: II, hlm. 3 (Tk) 73 83