The Charter of Mantyasih III EpiDoc Encoding Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan intellectual authorship of edition Wayan JarrahSastrawan Arlo Griffiths DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSIDENKMantyasihIII

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.naiḥ mas· su . vḍihan· raṅga yu 1 rakryān· Anakvi ndyaḥ vraiyan· vinaiḥ mas· su 2 kain· blaḥ 1, juru I Ayam təAs· ruA mira-miraḥ pu rayuṁ vanuA I mira-miraḥ vatak· Ayam təAs·, maraṅkappi halaran· pu dhanada vanuA I parṇḍamuAn· śĭma Ayam təR̥b·, juru makudur· ruA pataL̥san· pu vĭryya vanuA I vaduṁ poḥ vatak paṅkur dpoḥ maṁraṅkappi vacaha pu danta vanuA I katguhan· vatak haməAs· kapuA vinaiḥ mas· 4 vḍihan· raṅga yu 1 sovaṁ-sovaṁ . Ayam tiəAs· lumaku manusuk pu vrayan· vanuA I paṇḍamuAn· sĭma vadihati, I makudur· saṁ variṅin· vanuA I sumaṅka vatak kaluṁ bvarak· I tinruAn· pavatruṅan· vanuA I kabikuAn· Iṁ bvḍi taḍa haji puṁgul·, juruni vaduĀ rarai I pātapan· pu kumla banuA I sumaṅka vatatk taṅkil sugiḥ kapuA vinaiḥ mas· 4 vḍihan· raṅga yu 1 sovaṁ-sovaṁ, . saṁ juru I patapan·, mataṇḍa pu soma juruniṁ lampuran· rakai pipil·, juruni kalula saṁ nirmala, juruni maḍakat· saṁ manobhava vinaiḥ pira dhă 1, kinabaihanira . patiḥ rikaṁ kāla kayumvuṅan· rakai Oṇḍo ramani kapur·, sukun· si gambhira ramani ḍuḍu Air baraṅan·si daha ramani surasti vahuta pətir· si dravida ramani laghava paṇḍakyan· si tajik· ramani gilirana kapuA vinaiḥ mas· 4 vḍihan· raṅga yu 1 sovaṁ-sovaṁ, vahuta lampuran· si sañjaya ramani pavaka, paṇḍakyan· si taṇḍa ramani nara, kapuA vinaiḥ pirak·, mă 8 vḍihan· raṅga yu 1 sova-sovaṁ . parujar·ni patiḥ kayumvuṅan· si harus· ramani kuḍu, parujarni patiḥ sukun si vatu ramani viryyan· parujarniṁ Air biaraṅan· si biśăla kapuA vinaiḥ pirak· 5 vḍihan· raṅga yu 1 sovaṁsova . kalima I pətir· si pujut· ramani nakula juru si jana ramani śuddha, juru I paṇḍakyan· si mandon· ramani sonde, samval· si piṅul· ramani mădhava kapuA vinaiḥ pirak· 4 vḍihan· raṅga yu 1 sovaṁ-sovaṁ . rāma I tpi siri rikaṁ kāla I muṇḍuAn· gusti si guvi ramani krami, I haji huma gusti si hivā, I tulaṁṅ air· gusti si palarasan· ramani bahu, I variṅin· gusti si variṅin·, ramani Uṅən·, I kayu Asam· gusti si vujil· ramani gr̥k·, I pragaluḥ gusti si mni ramani bhasita, samval· ramani saḍa, I vunut· vinkas· pu mamvaṁ ramani dhanañjaya, I tiruAn· vinkas· si lbur· ramani sukikya, ri Air hulu si kidut· ramani karṇi, I sulaṁ kuniṁ bvinkas· si kuḍa ramani ḍivi, I laṅka tañjuṁ vinkas· si sahiṁ ramani tamuy·, I samalagi vinkas· si tarā, I vuṅkal· tajam· vinkas· si antara ramani jūvə, I hampran· kalima si Ina ramani bānā, I kaśugihan· vinkas· si hayu, I puhun· vinkas· si pavā ramani sumiṅkar·, I prak tuha vinkas· sī ṅayuḥ, ramani saṅkān·, I vuAtan· vinkas· si tirip· ramani loka, I pamaṇḍyan· vinkas· si siga ramanīi vipula, I tpusan· vinkas· si Aja ramani klyən·, I turayun· I sor· vinkas· si guta, I ruhur· vinkas· si vahi, I kalaṇḍiṅan· vinkas· si banuA, I kḍu kalima si dharmī, Ikā ta kabaiḥ kapuA vinaiḥ pasək-pasək· kayānurūpa, Ikanaṁ vanuA makgəṁ vinaiḥ pirak· 2 vḍihan· raṅga yu 1 sovaṁ, Ikanaṁ vanuA maḍmit· vinaiḥ pirak· 2 sovaṁ-sovaṁ . . vindu si majaṅut·, matapukan· si barubuḥ, juru paḍahi si nañja, magaṇḍiṁ si kr̥ṣṇī rāvaṇa-hasta si mandal·, kapuA vinaiḥ vḍihan· hlai 1 pirak· 8 sovaṁ-sovaṁ . maṅla si kīrāta ramani bhasita, muAṁ si butər·, mabuAi sī busū ramani garagasiḥ muAṁ si rubiḥ kapuA vinaiḥ pirak· 2 sovaṁ . piṁsoraniṁ Anugraha rikaṁ kāla patiḥ mantyāsi saṁ kr̥ṣṇa ramanī Ananta, muAṁ soAraniṁ rāma I mantyāsiḥ kabaiḥ pu kolā ramani dikhi pu puñjəṁ ramanīi bahad· pu kārā ramani labdha, pu təṁR̥̄ ramani bisis·, pu kəcīḥ ramani snī, pu mandadi ramanīi vācitā pu bikray· ramani baruṇa . saprakārani saji saṁ makudur· Iṁ maṇḍala Inmas· pāmasanya su 2 2 ku 3 . I sampuni mavaiḥ pasək-pasək· manaḍaḥ saṁ vahuta hyaṁ kudur· muAṁ vadvā rakryān· saṁ pinakapaṅuraṁ muAṁ patiḥ vahuta ma I tpi siriṁ kabaiḥ . lvir·niṁ tinaḍaḥ haḍaṅan· və:k· kidaṁ, vḍus·, ginavai samenaka, muAṁ saprakārani haraṁ-haraṁ . I sampuniṁ manaḍaḥ maṁḍiri saṁ makudur· lumkas· manapate mamatiṁṅakan· hantriṇi manavurakan· havu, manətə· hayam I harapan· vadva rakryān· muAṁ patiḥ vahuta rāma I tpi siriṁ . Umuvaḥ ya I ronnya . nahan· cihnanyan· sampun· mapagəḥ Ikanaṁ vanuA I mantyāsiḥ muAṁ Ikanaṁ vanuA I kuniṁ kagunturan· Inanugrahākan· rikanaṁ patiḥ mantyāsiḥ sĭma kapatihana, yāpuAn· hana Umulah-ula ya dlāhaniṁ dlāha pañcāmahāpātaka paṅguhanya, pāpani matī brăhmaṇa vihikan· maṅajīi 108 pāpaniṁ mamatī lamvukanyā 108 pāpani gurudrohaka, pāpaniṁ brŭṇaghna, maṅkana pāpa tmūnikanaṁṅ va Umulah-ulaḥ Ikaiṁ sīma, mataṅ ya kayatnāntā soninikaiṁ prasasti yamthānyat· svasthā ...

. naiḥ mas· su. naiḥ mas· su 5 ndyaḥ dyaḥ Cf. the repeated appearance of a certain dyah Vraiyan in Mantyasih I. 2 4 blaḥ vlaḥ vanuA vanun The reading of Boechari is almost certainly a typographical error. vatak· Ayam təA vatak· təAs· Brandes unintentionally omits Ayam. təR̥b· təIb· təAs· Cf. Taji Gunung (a25): saṅ hyaṅ vuṅkal sīma susuk kulumpaṅ sinivi I tarab. paṅkur paṅku dpoḥ poḥ maṁraṅkappi maṁtaṅkappi haməAs· homəAs· tiAs· tiəAs· kaluṁ kalu bvarak· varak· Cf. Mantyasih (1r15): vatak kaluṁ barak, Kinewu line 11. tinruAn· tiruan· kabikuAn· kavikuAn· bvḍi vḍi puṁgul· pu Il juruni juru kumla kr̥ṣṇa The second akṣara is almost impossible to see on the rubbing. Cf. Mantyasih I (1r15–6): juruni vadvā rarai I patapān pu kr̥ṣṇa vanuA I sumaṅka vatak taṅkil sugiḥ. vatatk vatak sugiḥ putiḥ soma tema maḍakat· maṁḍakat· No anusvāra is visible. manobhava manorava Cf. Mantyasih I (1r17): juruni maṁrakat saṁ manobhava. vinaiḥ There is an intrusive semicircular stroke, vaguely resembling the shape of a numeral 1, right before the vi, but it does not seem to express any meaning. pira pirak· dhă ḍha dhā . kayumvuṅan· kayumvuban· Oṇḍo Aiṇḍo Cf. Mantyasih I (1r17). biaraṅan· baraṅan· biśăla viśala siri siriṁ guvi gavi tulaṁṅ air tulaṁbair si variṅin· ri variṅin· gr̥k· grak· Uṅən· daṅən· Cf. Mantyasih I (1r21): ramani Unəṅ·. dhanañjaya dhanañjaya sukikya sukik· Cf. Mantyasih I (1r22): si lvar ramani sutiṣṇa. karṇi karṇa Cf. Mantyasih I (1v22): si kidut ramani karṇni. bvinkas· vinkas· jūvə juvə prak tuha pruk tuha sī ṅayuḥ si ṅayuḥ si ṅavuḥ Cf. Mantyasih I (1r23): si maṅayuḥ ramani saṅkān·. saṅkān· saṅkan· pamaṇḍyan· pamaṇḍuAn· siga siva Cf. Mantyasih I (1r24). ramanīi ramani klyən· kvyən· Cf. Mantyasih I (1v25): si Aja ramani klyān·. dharmī dharmi Cf. Mantyasih I (1r24): si dharmma. kayānurūpa, kayānurūpa We interpret the descending stroke after pa as a poorly executed punctuation mark. pasək-pasək· pasək pasət· kr̥ṣṇī kr̥ṣṇi 1 i Possibly a printing error in Brandes that was carried over in Boechari. kīrāta kirāta mabuAi sī mabuṅva si Cf. Mantyasih I (1v1), and Air baraṅan (r7) above for the shape of Ai. piṁsoraniṁ pisoraniṁ mantyāsi saṁ mantyasiḥ saṁ ramanīi ramani mantyāsiḥ kabaiḥ mantyasih kabaiḥ mantyasiḥ kabaiḥ dikhi di ? dini ramanīi bahad· ramani bahad· təṁR̥̄ təR ramanīi vācitā ramani văcitā saprakārani saprakāraniṁ Inmas· Inenas· Brandes’ reading must be due to a typographical error. sampuni sampuni haḍaṅan· huḍaṅan· saprakārani saprakārani mamatiṁṅakan· mamatiṅakan· mamantiṅakan· I ronnya I ronya mantyāsiḥ mantyasiḥ mantyāsiḥ mantyasiḥ kapatihana kapatihara dlāhaniṁ drāhaniṅ pañcāmahāpātaka pañcāmahāpātāka maṅajīi maṅaji pāpaniṁ brŭṇaghna pāpani brŭṇaghna maṅkana maṅkanā tmūnikanaṁṅ va tmūnikanaṅ vaṁ Ikaiṁ Ikai soninikaiṁ soninikai

First read by Brandes (), then again by Boechari (). Reread by Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths in February 2021 from photographs of the Kern rubbings at Leiden Universiteitbibliotheek.

There is at least one plate missing from the beginning of this inscription. Since the extant plates are not numbered, it is necessary to appeal to the parallel text in Mantyasih I to estimate the number of plates missing from Mantyasih III. The extant Mantyasih III text begins at 1r12 of Mantyasih I. Taking as fixed points in the common text the phrases vinaiḥ mās su 5 and magaṇḍiṅ rāvaṇahasta, we see that 13 lines in Mantyasih I is equivalent to 18 lines in Mantyasih III, notwithstanding small variations in the order of phrases between the two inscriptions. This suggests that there is probably only one missing face from Mantyasih III, namely an inscribed 1v with a blank 1r. For this reason, we denote the extant plate as 2.

There is a clear distinction in the scribal hand between b and v, with the former having a heart shape and the latter with a clear horizontal top stroke. Both previous editors consistently normalise b to v where the scribe has written the former; for example, they render the scribe’s blaḥ as vlaḥ and banuA as vanuA. There is also a tendency by the scribe to write ī where i is expected, such as the conjunction ni. Towards the end of the text on the verso side, the scribe begins to experiment with a more ornate script, possibly due to the extra space remaining. The rendition of the word prasasti (2v13) is the clearest example of this.

. naiḥ mas· su .: The cross marks, ignored by Brandes and Boechari, seem to indicate that the string of text they enclose was written in error. Presumably on the previous plate, the scribe had already written vinaiḥ mas· su 5 (as on the parallel part of Mantyasih I), then accidentally repeated it here, before realising the mistake and applying the crosses to the string unintentionally repeated. This is why the first cross is in the margin.

paramuAn·: The more common, and possibly the older, form of this toponym is paṇḍamuan. Damais notes that the form paṅramuan is a ‘[v]ariante phonétiquement plus récente de paṇḍamuan’ (1970:367-368).

There seems to be a stroke in the left margin. Its function is unclear.

paṇḍakyan·: Cf. paṇḍakyan in this inscription (2r7) and in Mantyasih I (1r13, 1r18, 1r20).

ḍivi: Possible an error for vidhi. Cf. Mantyasih I (1v22): si kudha ramani dhidhi.

The distinction between vanuA magəṁ and vanuA maḍmit· is not drawn in Mantyasih I. The rest of the line after the double danda contains blank space sufficient to accommodate 2 more akṣaras.

vindu: Cf. Mantyasih I (1r25): vidu si maṅajut.

yamthānyat·: Cf. Watu Ridang (1v10), Telang II (v13).

240-242 57-59 II 113, 285 LXXVI, CX Sarkar includes this inscription twice in his corpus: first as no. LXXVI “Copper-plate of Unknown Origin (Bat. 19)”, and again as no. CX “The Copper-plate of Mantyasih III”. He seems to have been under the impression that these were two physical copies of the same document. 51 49