Marinci I EpiDoc encoding Marine Schoettel intellectual authorship of edition Marine Schoettel DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSIDENKMarinci_I

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Copyright (c) 2020 by Marine Schoettel.


The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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Updating toward the encoding template v03 initial encoding of the inscription

// vruhane ka aḍapur iṁ tumapəl·, yen andikaniṅoṁ, dene kaṁ paṅaR̥mban·, hi devaR̥ṣi, kaṁ deśeṁ mariñchi,

hanəṅgū R̥ko den tagiḥ den kənakən iṁ titi§ L̥man·, satuvuk-tuvuk ta kaṁ paṅaR̥mban riṁ devaR̥ṣi, deśeṁ mariñci, luput iṁ titi L̥man·, luput iṁ sosorohan·, Iku ta hi rehane luvara panagihe, len a§ na hubhayane, makaṅuni huvusa hasosokana, hi rehane kahudala deniṅ ama va rājamudra, rehe kaṁ paṅaR̥mban· riṁ devaR̥ṣi, si samasanak· riṁ mariñci, hana pi hagəme tan kasabaha deniṅ ampan-ampan·, Iṅoṅ amagəhakən andikanira talāmpakanira bha ṭāra saṁ mokta riṅ amr̥tabhavana,

yen uvus kavaca kaṁ rājamudra, kagugona denekaṅ aṅaR̥ mba riṁ devaR̥ṣi, si samasanak· riṁ mariñci, titi, ka, 4, śiraḥ, 5, //

hiṁ hi mariñchi mariñci sosorohan sosoroman panagihe panagiḥ ha len yen hubhayane hubayane hasosokana husosorana paṅaR̥mban maṅaR̥mban tan Boechari notes Di bawah huruf ta ada tanda suku dalam guratan tipis, tapi rupanya tidak jadi dipahat..

First edited by Boechari (112 E.49); re-edited here by Marine Schoettel from the estampage of the plate made available by the Museum Nasional Indonesia.

1914LII44-45, 52, 192