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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Marine Schoettel & Arlo Griffiths
This inscription seems to present the synopsis of a comedy (
Boechari makes a distinction between kh and k in his transliteration. The rubbings at our disposal do not all confirm the reality of this distinction with confidence. We tentatively read k throughout.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.
Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml file.
han·, yan urisa, A
n·, Ataḍaḥ tāṅan·,
vkasan· keli mariṁ nūṣa
kadehan· savnaṁ,
kapaṅgiḥ ta saṁ viku, mvaṁ saṁ Usaddha, AhaR̥p muliha saṁ Usaddha, tan· vinehan deni saṁ viku
vkasan maṅga, tka ri kliṁ, Iṅalap taṅ usaddha, denira Ino, Asiḥ sira, tan kina
R̥pan· denira par
lakuniṁ Usaddha, mantuk· mari jāva, tumutur sira hino, maliṣya juru kuruṁ, tka ri jāva, dumunuṁ riṁ malandaṁ, kavruhan de
niṁ putrī yan· putra, vkasan hapaṅgiḥ muvaḥ,, Iti siḥhən·,, //
Iti pabañolan·, par
ran· riṁ vilatikta, denira mpu mahajāya, de śaṅ aparab· sāri-sari, parintośakna hala bəcikniṁ sastra, kuraṁ L̥viḥnya
Artha de śaṅ amaca, dereṁ vanva ri canda, v
Then, he is carried along to the land of Sunda (
They meet a hermit and Usadha (
First edited by Hinloopen van Labberton. Re-edited here by Marine Schoettel & Arlo Griffiths from photos of rubbings of the plate. Boechari's edition frequently reads kh for our k. We have not recorded these variants in our apparatus.