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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Marine Schoettel & Arlo Griffiths
Compare the script of this inscription with that of the Tuhanyaru (1245 Śaka) and Canggu (1280 Śaka) copperplates. Its script is shows more similarity with that of the inscription of Tuhanyaru, allowing for the hypothesis that the Parung fragments are closer in date to the former. See in particular the discontinuous shape of
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
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mani Uṅsun·, turuṅ uṅsun· mijilakən ācāra lyan saṅke rika, maṅke ta punikaṁ karāman· ri paruṁ matuṇḍuṅi Uṅsu
n at:hər maṁrampas·,
Irika taṁ pakṣa kāliḥ, pinametakən śāstradr̥ṣṭa, deśadr̥ṣṭa, guru kaka, Udāharaṇa, ma
kataṅgvan· rasāgama ri saṁ hyaṁ kuṭ
satya pāduka bhaṭāra ri paruṁ, makahetu, ri tan hananiṁ kumavruhi putusi pakṣanikaṁ vyavahāri kāliḥ,
yan katon sori pakṣanikaṁ karāma n· ri plaṁ, balavān· pakṣanikaṁ karāman· ri paruṁ, makahetu nirvighnatā
nya Irikaṁ kāla tripakṣa, matanyan sinuṅan· kmitana saṁ hyaṅ ājñā haji jaya soṁ, mratisubaddhakna pagəhi paṁ
rakṣa taṇḍa rakryan· ri pakṣanikaṁ karāman· ri paruṁ,
kunəṁ ri sḍəṁnyan hanaṁruddha muṅki-muṅkil·, muṅvakna mne hləm·
"(...) to us, we had not yet produced / displayed an established custom different from theirs. And so it is that the chiefs of Parung pushed us away, and also sacked [our land?]!" These were the two statements, which were examined
The language of this inscription
First edited by A.B. Cohen Stuart (