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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Jarrah Sastrawan & Arlo Griffiths.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
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I samalagi
-vuAn· Aṅkan· tahun·
rak· dhā 4 mijil· Aṅkan· Alapan tanaḥ, piṇḍa savaḥni māgaman· lamvit· 1 tampaḥ 7 blaḥ 1 mu⟨A⟩ṁ saprakārani sukha-duḥkhanya kabaiḥ bhaṭāra vaiṣṇava Iṁ bulusan· Ataḥ pramāṇā Iriya
An· I paməhaṅan· punpunan· I paṁlihatan·, makon· rakryān· maṅasəAkna vyavastha pasak-pasak· saluIrniṁ manīma, I rakryān· halu pu buAlu saṁgrāmadhuran
sirikan· pu variga samaravikrānta, rakryān· vka pu kutak·, samgat· tiruAn· saṁ śivāstra, kapuA sira Inaṁsə_An· vḍihan· gañjar pātra sisi yu 1 sim·sim pasada vo
su 1 Iṁ sovaṁ-sovaṁ, halaran· pu basu, rake pa
makudur pu sam
vadihati 2 mira-miraḥ si rayuṁ, maṁraṅkapi saṁ halaran· si rahula, saṁ tuhān· I makudur· 2 saṁ taṅkil· sugiḥ si manikṣā, maṁraṅ
yu 1 mas· mā
ḥ vḍihan· yu 2 mas· mā 8 hop paṅaṅkat· Iṁ sovaṁ-sovaṁ, maṅkana sa
r· I sirikan· hujuṁ galuḥ si Agra Anak vanuA I siṁha vatak· hinocasinta si parbvata Anak· banuA I
Due to damage to the support, the year numeral is lost. Through trial and error, we find that the only year of Balitung’s reign (820–832 Śaka), for which the surviving calendar elements coincide is 824 Śaka (see the calculation derived from the HIC software below). As such, we propose that the lost year is 824 Śaka, thereby deriving the Julian date equivalent of 29 October 902 CE.
In this hand, the pasangan -va is sometimes difficult to distinguish from the suku, e.g. lamvit· (1v4), mu⟨A⟩ṁ (1v6).
Boechari’s edition was checked by Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan & Arlo Griffiths on the basis of (mediocre) photographs in October 2021.