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svasti ||
śrīmat· śrī-Udayādityavarmma pratāpa-parākrama rājendra-mauli-maṇivarmmadeva mahārājādhi
rāja | sakala-loka-jana-priya | dharmmarāja-kula-tilaka saraṇāgata-bajra-pañjara | Ekāṅga-vīra | du
llaḥ jīrṇṇa pada sapta-svarṇṇabhūmi | diparbvatkan· bihāra nānāvidha-prakāra | saha tāmbak gopura kalampura
nan· pañcamahāśabda | jalanda barbvat· ja
kṣu brāmhaṇācāryyopāddhyāya | tyāda kopadrava | tyāda māli
sakala-bhaṣya-sampūrṇna | sakyan yaṁ mahima
ndak barbvināśa sāsanenan· sapāpāñaṁ gohattya sapāpāñaṁ māta-pita-drohi | sapāpāña
svāmi-drohi guru-drohi | tuluta yaṁ maṅanumodana dharmmenan· sapuṇyāñaṁ yaṁṅ ūraṁ
nubhava samyak·-sambuddha-mārgga ||
kr̥tir iyaṁ Ācāryya A
mpuṅku dharmmaddhvaja-nāmadheyassya |
abhiśeka-karuṇābajra //
Om. Be it well!
I. Let there be prosperity, o lord, son of Advaya/Advayā, king Śrī Ādityavarman, belonging to the illustrious Amarāryavaṁśa ... from sin ... more than the Primordial Buddha. The virtues of friendliness, kind disposition, patience, sympathy, assistance to living beings, which you, a righteous king among kings, have effected, stand written in a stone edict (or: an edict on good practices).
And always mindful of the disposition (adhimukti) of King Kāma (i.e. his father Anaṅgavarman), having the consecration name Sutathāgatavajra, with five ..., and your limbs full to the brim with six supernatural powers (abhijña), o king Ādityavarman, overlord of kings:
Hail! O illustrious Śrī Udayādityavarman, of ardent valor, god who are the shield of the crown jewels of kings among kings, overlord of great kings, dear to all people in the world, ornament of a lineage of righteous kings (or: ornament of the lineage of Dharmarājan), adamantine cage for those who seek refuge, hero with only one limb (?) / hero of Sandalwood(land) (?), restrainer of sorrow, protector against enemies, enjoying the prosperity (sampada) of seven royal constituents (aṅga), who restore the (written) cloths, books and temples (or: the storages of cloth, books and statues), that are dilapidated in the seven Gold-Lands.
Let the (officers of the rank) pañcamahāśabda be caused to build monasteries of various types and sorts, with causeways, gates, kalampura (kalam = kolam, ‘tank’?). His excellency’s procedure is to perform muttering, oblation, observances and rituals on full and new moon in the presence (saṁmukha-an, cf. Mod. Malay hadap-an) of monks, brāhmaṇas, teachers and preceptors. There will be no bursts of wrath. There will be no thiefs or robberies. There will be no pulling or tugging. All of the ... are complete. As many ... of the king.
Whatever merit is in it, whoever wishes to nullify that (royal) order, his sin equals that of the slaughter(er) of a cow; his sin equals that of one who deceives his parents; his sin equals that of one who deceives his master, of one who deceives his teacher. ... who gives support to that foundation, his merit equals that of a man who gives water and food; his merit equals that of a man who is devoted to his parents, devoted to his master; his merits equals that of a man who is devoted to his teacher, devoted to the gods; his merit equals that of a man who protects the stone (or: customary practices) on full and new moon; his last will be an existence as a man on the path to becoming a completely enlightened one.
Your merit achieved through assistance to living beings; your righteousness consisting in liberality; by you restoration of old (religious estates) a tree of merit and a refuge for good people; by your perpetually burning rays, endowed with good light (sadāloka) and with lustre, o king Ādityavarman, o god who are the shield of the (crown) jewels:
Let it be well, in the elapsed (year) (8) vasus, (7) sages, (2) arms, (1) surface (i.e. in 1278) śaka, on the fifteenth of the waxing (fortnight) of Vaiśākha. And may the Buddha be delighted!
This is the composition of the master, milord named Dharmadhvaja, consecration (name) Karuṇāvajra.
First deciphered, translated and furnished with a commentary by R. H. Th. Friederich (