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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Marine Schoettel.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
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// Iku vruhane para mantrīṁ tirah, Āryya soṅga, pabayəman·,
Āryya carita, puru
hakən· karaṅe patiḥ tamba, karaṁ bogəm·,
peṅanane kidul·, Ḷbuḥ, peṅanane vetan·, sadavata, Anutug· sāgara pisan·,
peṅanane kulon·, babakane dmuṁ vana, Anutug· sāgara pisan·, pasavahane sajuṁ, babakan sakikil·, Iku ta maḶra haja den siddhigave
hana ta kavulani ṅoṁ sakiṁ gr̥sik·, variga luh ahutaṁ sakṭi roṁ lakṣa gnəp·, sabisane hasikəp· rovaṁ variga luḥ, luputa ta paṅarah sakiṁ si
ddhayu, kapaṅarahan po hiya saki daḶm·, galaṅan·, kavolu, Aṅhaturakna ta hiya hacan· bobot se
tambake kahatureri ṅoṁ,
hana tādagaṁ, Aṅgogoṇḍok·, Amahat·, luputa ta riṅ arik puriḥ saprakāra, knaha ta hiya riṁ pamūja
satəṅaḥ, Anuta sararataniṁ varggaṁ taman· sabhūmī,
tithi, ka
This is what should be known by the mantris at