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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Marine Schoettel & Arlo Griffiths
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
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// I śaka
Irikā divaśa rakryan· juru
mvaṁ saṁṅ upapati, makaprasthāva
gavānan· sapuluḥ liriḥ, maṅkana pakṣa mpu sāvitra, kunaṁ pakṣa rakryan· juru puspadanta lmaḥ saṅke k
t kaki Ikaṁ bhinuktinya sapuluḥ liriḥ,
maṅkanāṁvivāda ya tika pinametakən pramāṇa,
taṅgəḥnyaṁ kāliḥ makādi I sumbul·, li
vaḥ sapuluḥ liriḥ I sagiri, yapvan ikaṁ savaḥ kabhagavanan· sapuluḥ
liriḥ muvaḥ, maṅkanājarnya makabehan·, vva
ntən· ta pukulun· paṅhulu bañunya rvaṁ kupaṁ sovaṁ, kataṅgapan denikaṁ rāma sumbul·, vyaktyanyan bheda, muva
h ajariṁkaṁ juru mantən· maṅaran gambyok·, Aki gaṇḍi
puluḥ liriḥ juga, An
maṅke, kevalātutur ikaṁ sa
sapuluḥ liriḥ, maṅkana varaḥ kihadyan· gambyok·,
yatika pinramāṇakan saṁ mantrī samudāya, mataṁ
nyan· balavān· rakryan· juru puspadanta
, rakryan· dmuṁ Aki R̥ma, muvah aki goleṁ, rakryan apatiḥ ravi, muvaḥ rake mali, saṁ prāṇapati, makādhipati
saṅ āryya śūrasiṅha, muvaḥ sa
di saṁ mapañji surapati, muvaḥ saṁ pamgət i kaṇḍamuhi, samgət· pamvatan·, samaṅkana kveḥ saṅ amgat· ,,,
// Iṁ śāka,
Immediately after the passing away of his uncle (...), and Gaṇapatitattva, OJ prose under stanza 44.
In Śaka 1261, month of Māgha, ninth
that was the time that
Those who have borders
were invited to come as per the recommendation of the two
This was used as evidence by all the assembled ministers. Because of that Raging Buffalo
In Śaka 1261, month of Māgha, ninth
This document is a jayapattra, or jayasong, literaly a "document of victory", issued in consequence of a civil lawsuit. For other jayapattras, see van Naerssen 45, and Pigeaud, JFC, vol. IV, 391.
Unpublished inscription first read by Arlo Griffiths in 2009 by direct inspection of the plates at Rotterdam, and re-edited by Marine Schoettel and Arlo Griffiths in February-March 2020 from photographs made available by the Wereldmuseum (49509 and 49507).