Charter of Rongkab EpiDoc Encoding Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan intellectual authorship of edition Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan Arlo Griffiths DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSIDENKRongkab

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.svasti śaka-varṣătĭta 823rtika-măsa, tithi daśamĭ sukla-pakṣa , vapa Ă văra śatabhiśa-nakṣatra bāru na-daivatā hasaharṣaṇa-yūga, tatkālanikanaṁ rāma I roṁkab· vinaiḥ mamuputta kaṭik· pră ṇa ga1 de saṁ pamaggat· Umaṅgit· pu parvvatta, saṁkā ri nāśani vanvanya maṅaśa Akkan·maṅasəAkan· Ikanaṁ rāma pasak·-pasak· I saṁ pamaggat· pirak· 10 juru ni kanayakān· saṁ tamvalaṁ Anak· vanva I kukap· vatak· pagar· vsi, Ata ṇḍa pu pavī, juruniṁ lampuran· pu dhānada kapva Anak· vanva I turai, vatak· tu rai, juruniṁ vadvā rarai pu gaṇḍaura Anak· vanva I sḍəḥ vatak· taṁkillan· juruniṁ kalula pu Arka Anak· vanva varyyaṁ vatak· rampakan·, juruniṁ maṁra kat· sa ra papaḥ Anak· vanva I təR̥nəḥ vatak· taṁkil·, Amasaṅakan· pu maṇḍu Anak vanva I ra havu vatak· sirikan· Inaṁsyəan· pasak·-pasak· pirak· dhā 5 kin·abaihan·nira vahutta I rikanaṁ kāla mukur saṁ bataṁṅan· piṁhai ka ḍu sa pataṁṅaḥhan·, kapva Inaṁsyəan· pasak·-pasak· pirak· dhāraṇa 10 I sovaṁ -sovaṁ rāma māgman· Irikana kāla kala si maṅgal· muAṁ si kya gusti si diśa vinəkas· si haṅū parujar· si liṇḍuAn· muA si bicit· rāma maratā si təvak· si julu hulu vras· si visuva nāhan· kvaiḥnikanaṁ rāma māgman· sinrahan· prasaṣṭi de saṁ pamaggat· Umaṅgit· pu parbata Anuṁ ḍumatəṅakan· samvaḥnikanaṁ rāma I roṁkab· sa talla gusti I suli, sīma vadi hati săkṣī saṁ pamaggat· vadihati pu ḍapit· Anak· vanva I paḍamuAn· vatak· vadihati Inasə An· pasak·-pasak· pirak· dhāraṇa 4 tuhān· miraḥ-miraḥ pu rayuṁ sanak· I miraḥ-miraḥ vatak· vadihati ma rakappi saṁ halaran· pu dhānada Anak· vanva I paṇḍamuAn· vatak· vadihati kapva InasəAn· pa sak·-pasak· pirak· dhā 2 I sovaṁ-sova vahutta hya tumut· magunadosa sa siṅgaḥ vvaḥ pu ra hula, Anak· vanva I miraḥ-miraḥ vatak· vadihati muAṁ sa habūn· Anak· vanva I turayun· vatak· si garan· kapva InasəAn· pasak·-pasak· pirak· 7 I sova-sovaṁ karamān· saṁ hadyan· vahu tta hya makabaiḥhan· pirak· dhā 1 kinabaiḥhannira likhitta-patra pu ravi ...

nakṣatranaksatra daivatādevatā hasaharṣaṇahāsa ga11 parvvattaparvatta 10kā 1 juruniṁ lampuran·juruni laṁpuran· juruniṁ vadvājuruniṁ vadvajuruni vadvā vanvavanuA juruniṁ maṁrakatjuruni maraṁkat sa ra papaḥsaṁ ra papaḥ 54 kin·abaihan·nirakinābaihan·nira rikanaṁrikaṁ mukurmuṁkur sa pataṁṅaḥhan·saṁ pataṁṅaḥhan·sa patiṅaḥhan· 101 IrikanaIrikaṁ sa tallasa tallasa talu sulisuliṁ săkṣīsakṣi paḍamuAnpaḍamuAn Cf. 1v9 below and Mantyasih I (1v15), Rukam (1v9), Kasugihan (1v3). InasəAn·InaṁsəAn· 43 sanak·Anak· marakappimaṁraṁkappimaṁrakappi magunadosamaṅunadosa sa habūnsaṁ habūn hyahya makabaiḥhan·makabaiḥkan·

Hail! Elapsed Śaka year 823, month Kārtika, tenth tithi of the waxing fortnight, Vās, Pahiṅ, Sunday, lunar mansion Śatabhiṣaj, deity Bāruna, conjunction Harṣaṇa, that was when the headmen of Roṅkab were permitted to cease providing 1 servant by the official of Umaṅgit, pu Parvata due to the destruction of their village.

The headmen gave gifts to: the official of Umaṅgit, 10 kāṭis of silver, the master of the kanayakān, saṅ Tamvalaṅ, native of the village of Kukap, district Pagar Vəsi, the ataṇḍa, pu Pavī, the master of the lampuran, pu Dhānada, both natives of the village of Turai, district Turai, the master of the junior troops vadvā rarai, pu Gaṇḍaura, native of the village of Səḍəh, district Taṅkilan, the master of the servants, pu Arka, native of the village of Varyaṅ, district Rampakan, the master of the attendants, saṅ ra Papah, native of the village of Tərənəh, district Taṅkil, together with pu Maṇḍu, native of the village of Ra Havu, district Sirikan. They were offered gifts of 5 dhāraṇas of silver collectively.

The vahuta at that time, the one at Mukur, saṅ Bataṅan, and the piṅhai of Kaḍu, saṅ Pataṅahan, were both offered gifts of 10 dhāraṇa of silver each.

The headmen holding office rāma māgman at that time were: the kalaṅs, si Maṅgal, and si Kya, the gusti, si Diśa, the vinəkas, si Haṅū, the heralds, si Liṇḍuan and si Bicit The regular headmen were: si Təvak, si Julu, the rice manager (hulu vras), si Visuva. Such were number of headmen holding office to whom the charter was entrusted by the official of Umaṅgit, pu Parvata.

The one who communicated ḍumatəṅakən the petition of the headmen at Roṅkab was saṅ Talla, the gusti of Suli, sīma Vadihati.

The witnesses: the official of Vadihati, pu Ḍapit, native of the village of Paṇḍamuan, district Vadihati, was offered gifts: 4 dhāraṇas of silver. The master of Mirah-Mirah, pu Rayuṅ, relative recte 'native'? of Mira-Mirah, district Vadihati, accompanying the one of Halaran, pu Dhānada, native of the village of Paṇḍamuan, district Vadihati, were both offered gifts: 2 dhāraṇas of silver each.

The vahutas of the deity who participated in the deliberation (guṇadoṣa): the one of Siṅgah Vvah, pu Rahula, native of the village of Mira-Mirah, and saṅ Habūn, native of the village of Turayun, district Sigaran, were both offered gifts: 7 māṣas of silver each.

The group of headmen, the lord, the vahutas of the deity, were collectively given 1 dhāraṇa of silver.

The scribe was pu Ravi.

Word-final -uA is consistently spelled -va (e.g. vanva, kapva), which is somewhat unusual for the early tenth century. The word vahuta is consistently spelled vahutta, and the word Inaṁsəan· as Inaṁsyan.

The date of this inscription, particularly the erroneous astral elements, is discussed at length by Eade and Gislén (: 26-30).

vadihati: Cf. above (1v7) and Damais (), s.v. mirah-mirah.

This line begins after an indent from the left margin of about six akṣaras.

162-165 171-172 E. 83 36-40 30 44-45 A. 70 175 A. 70 866-868 mirah-mirah 26-30 A. 70