Charter of Watu Kura I EpiDoc encoding Arlo Griffiths Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan Marine Schoettel intellectual authorship of edition Arlo Griffiths Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan Marine Schoettel DHARMA Paris, Jakarta DHARMA_INSIDENKWatuKuraI

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Arlo Griffiths, Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan & Marine Schoettel.


A particularly elegant hand, using Kawi script typical of the 14th century.

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Small corrections to xml, applying updated conventions significant improvements to van Naerssen's translation merger with xml code autogenerated from Balitung googledoc, insertion num tags, complete overhaul of bibliography finished edition and apparatus divs initial encoding of the file

... svasti śaka-varṣātīta, 824, śravaṇa-māsa, tithi, pañcadaśi śukla-pakṣa, , pa, Aṁ, vāra, maḍaṅkuṅan·, saptakāraṇa-viṣṭi, pūrvvăṣāḍhā-nakṣatra, śiva-yoga,

tatkāla mahārāja rake vatu kura. dyaḥ balituṁ, śrī Ĭśvarakeśavotsavatuṅga, maveḥ panīma, , 1, I rāmanta I vatu kura, parṇnaḥ dharmma paṅasthūlan· ri sira, Aṅkən· pūrṇnamaniṁ bhadravāda, kabhaktyana de rāmanta I vatu kura,

kunəṁ Ikaṁ savaḥ, gagā, R̥ṇək·, kəbuAn·, ya tikāmijilakna pirak·, 1, Iṁ sarahi, duvan· babadan·, 3, I mata panas·, , 1, 4, payaman·, , 1, 4, buhara suvul·, 5, buhara Uṇḍuḥ, 3, buhara tṅaḥ, 5, buhara hoya, 5, buhara paṅanten·, 2, bareṁ, 10, muAṁ paṅrāga skar·, , ku 2, bras·, ku 1, riṁ salavaṁ, muvaḥ , ku 1, bras·, ku 1, riṁ salavaṁ, kāryya panaman· pūrṇnamaniṁ . jyeṣṭa, muvaḥ , ku 1, bras·, ku 1, riṁ salavaṁ, pūrṇnamaniṁ cetra,

muAṅ ikaṁ ravi galuḥ I babadan·, maveḥ timba-timban·, ḍulaṅan·, Akṣeṇya I bhaṭāra dharmma, muAṁ buka-kuṇḍur·, pakna pamūjā rāma 2nta I bhaṭāra dharmma, śeṣanya, maraha I saṅ karmmanya, mamūjā, Upakalpa, devakarmma, Anapū, devadāsa, pasiṅhir·, sahana saṅ karmma kummit bhaṭāra makadr̥vya ya,

muAṁ gavay bhūṣaṇa de rāmanta, bāhurākṣa, kirat-bāhu, buka-śrī, pakna ri bhaṭāra dharmma, muAṁ paṅguhaniṁ tahil·, 3, 14, ku 2, mijil· riṅ aśuji-māsa, muvaḥ 3, 14, ku 2, mijil· riṁ cetra,

rāma Irikaṁ kāla, tumarima Ikaṁ mās· panīma, vinkas· saṁ . druma rāmani viddha, tuha kalaṁ saṁ jāti rāmani santa, gusti saṁ jātuka rāmani śruta, parujar· si dhari si dūta, variga si teja, dāridra, rāmāna marata saṁ gariyan· saṁ subhara saṁ vindava, nāhan· kveḥni rāmanta I vatu kura, tumarima Ikanāṁ mās· panīma saṅke haji, muAṁ milu sumusuk· Ikanāṁ dharmma, Ika ta kabeḥ kapva byapāra I bhaṭāra dharmma I vatu kura,

ya tika tan katamana de saṁ maṅilala dr̥vya haji, mīśra para mīśra, vulu-vulu prakāra, kriṁ, paḍəm apuy·, kula pamgət·, vadihati, makudur·, tavan·, kula paṅkur·, pagaran·, kavur hyaṁ, taji, tapa haji, Air haji, malandaṁ, lca, lab-lab·, manimpiki, tuhālup·, tuha dagaṁ, maṁguñjai, maṁrumbai, . 3vatu tajəm·, salvit·, pakalaṅkaṁ, guñjan·, tuṇḍan·, salaran·, piniṅlai, kataṅgaran·, pamr̥ṣi, hulu.n haji, paranakan·, rāma jātaka, vihǎrasvǎmi, parmmasan·, pamasaṁ, Avuran·, Urutan·, ḍampulan·, sikpan·, puluṁ paḍi, mapaḍahi, valyan·, vidu maṅiduṁ, kecaka, tarimba, tapukan·, mabika, vargga I daL̥m·, paṇḍe mās·, tāmra, kaṅsa, vsi, ḍaḍap·, Amaraṅgi, Uṇḍahagi, Atviḥ, Amahat·, Amanantən·, Aṅu⌈ge, Agiliṅan·, Aṅulaṁ, joroṁ, kuñjalan·, tətəpan·, Ityevamādi, pāt· Ika lvirnya, muvaḥ vnaṁ sama

babadan·, mata panas·, payaman·, buhara suvul·, buhara Uṇḍuḥ, buhara tṅaḥ, buhara hoya, buhara paṅanten·, bareṁ, vatək antulan·, I dharmma hajī vatu kura,

tumŭt krama saṁ haneṁ kon· patiḥ vahuta rāma ka.bayan·, muAṁ rāma tpi siriṁ kabeḥ, matuha manvām· laki-laki vadvan· kaniṣṭa-maddhyamottama, kapva ma.naḍaḥ tan hana kantuna rīṅ irusan· kla-kla Ambəl-ambəl·, kasyan·, lət-lət·, bhaṇḍa kaṇḍi paliḍva parisukha . saṅ amaṅan·, tahulan vagalan· haryyas· kuluban· suṇḍa rumbaḥ Ityevamādi, tan hana kakuraṁ, maṅka5na taṁ haraṁ-haraṁ, ḍeṁ kakap·, kaḍivas·, taṅiri, hnus·, huraṁ, biluṁluṁ prakāra, paripūrṇna Ikā kabeḥ, muAṁ . pāṇa siddhu mastava kiñca kilaṁ tvak· paripūrṇna Ikā kabeḥ, mataṅ yan· tan parāryyan· saṁ manaḍahakən tahapan·, mataṅ yan vijaḥ sira kabeḥ,

muAṁ men-men·, si piatiṅhalan·, mabañol·, si pati bañcil·, muAṁ si bari pacəḥ, Atapukan·, si giraṁ hyasən·, matəkapakən sira kabeḥ, dinmakan· kupaṁ, 2, sovaṁ-sovaṁ,

I tlasnira kabeḥ manaḍaḥ, maṅḍiri saṁ makudur vadihati patiḥ pramukha, kapuA manəmbaḥ I sārah-araḥ śrī mahārāja, muAṁ ra.

tiṅkaḥ samya hajī vatu kura, ..., Iṁ śaka, 1270, Ăṣāḍhā-māsa, tīthi, Ekădaśi śukla-pakṣa, , va, ca, vāra, juluṁ, .....,

kabeḥ, muAṁ . kabeḥ, The last word is omitted by (and was so also in ).

Hail! Elapsed Śaka year 824, month of Śravaṇa, fifteenth tithi of the waxing fortnight, Paniron, Pahiṅ‚ Tuesday, in the vuku Maḍaṅkuṅan, seventh karaṇa, the lunar mansion nakṣatra Pūrvasādha, the conjunction yoga Śiva.

That was the time when the Great King, Lord of rake Vatu Kura, dyah Balitung, Śrī Īśvarakeśavotsavatuṅga, bestowed upon the village elders of Vatu Kura a demarcation fee of 1 kaṭi of gold for the place of his (i.e. Balitung's) ancestral foundation dharma paṅasthūlan. It is to be worshipped by the village elders of Vatu Kura every full moon of the month of Bhādrapada.

In addition, the irrigated rice fields, the dry rice fields, the wet rice fields and the gardens are to contribute the sum of 1 māṣa in silver per head. The community duvan of Babadan is to contribute 3 māṣas of silver. 1 suvarṇa 4 māṣas of gold, 1 suvarṇa 4 māṣas of gold, 5 māṣas, 3 māṣas, 5 māṣas, 5māṣas, 2 māṣas, 10 māṣas.

Moreover the floral-tribute lit. making of flower baskets to be paid shall be 2 kupaṅs of gold and 1 kupaṅ of uncooked rice per household lit. per door, plus 1 kupaṅ of gold and 1 kupaṅ of rice per household for the Panaman festival at the full moon in the month of Jyaiṣṭha, plus 1 kupaṅ of gold and 1 kupaṅ of uncooked rice per household on the day of the full moon in the month of Caitra.

Moreover the ravi galuh the jewel-radiant sun? of Babadan is to give wooden buckets, trays, the akṣenya of the deity of the foundation, plus head ornaments. These constitute the offerings of the village elders to the deity of the foundation. The remains of the offerings shall go to those who take part in the work: those who officiate at the offerings, the officiants upakalpa, the masters of divine works devakarma, those who sweep the temple ground, the servants of the god, the pasinghir; all those who take part in the work of guarding the deity have them the remains as their property.

Moreover, let festive garments be made by the village elders: rings for the upper arm and the forearm and ornaments provided with the Śrī symbol, for the use of the deity of the foundation. ...

This inscription is a 14th-century copy (1270 Śaka = 1348 CE) of a Balitung-era charter of 824 Śaka (902 CE). It likely went through several rounds of copying. The earlier date of 824 Śaka is severely corrupted, as explained by Damais: II s'agit d'une copie faite en 1270 śaka (voir Watukura B, Liste A. 18 5) et il doit y avoir une erreur dans les données car celles-ci sont irréductibles sans correction (1955: 194). According to van Naerssen: Some anachronisms found in the text show beyond doubt that the copyist of the Çaka year 1270 did not have the original charter of the Çaka year 824 at his disposal, but had to copy a document made at the time of King Wawa or King Sindok (about the middle of the tenth century). We find several instances of phraseology that are typical of the Sindok period (929–951 CE): Van Naerssen 1941: 104 writes that “De aanvangswoorden van de pericope waarin de lijst der maṅilala dṛvya haji wordt ingeleid, is gelijk aan die der oorkonden uit Wawa’s en Siṇḍok’s tijd (cf. de Inleiding blz. 12).” The reference to p. 12 makes clear that he meant the occurrence of the words mīśra para mīśra, vulu-vulu prakāra in 3r3–4. The passage from 5r2 onwards has extensive parallels in several Sindok inscriptions. 5v5 kapuA manəmbaḥ I sārah-araḥ, śrī mahārāja: these words find parallels only in the inscriptions of Sindok, viz. Sangguran B45 manambaḥ humarap· I sārah-araḥniṁ kahanān· śrī mahărāja; Alasantan 4.16–17 Anambaḥ humarap· I sārah-araḥ śrī mahārāja; and Paradah II 95–96 kapuA manambaḥ humaR̥p i sārah-araḥniṁ kahanān śrī mahārāja Cf. also the occurrence of samgət Laṅka in Watukura II, 3v2.

panīma: see other instances of payment of a demarcation fee?

dharmma paṅasthūlan: is this Balitung's deification temple?

Akṣeṇya: a hapax of unknown meaning, found neither in OJED nor in Sanskrit dictionaries

tuhālupCf. Kalimusan r3 for the same term. Compare the present list of functions (maṅilala) with that of Kalimusan. The list of the Watu Kura I inscription includes insertions of new terms (?).

tumŭt krama saṁ haneṁ: The passage of several lines from tumŭt krama onwards has a lose parallel in several inscriptions of Sindok.

The verso of plate 1 was first edited by J.L.A. Brandes , together with the verso side of plate 3 of Watukura II, on the basis of a rubbing.This combined edition of two plates not belonging to the same charter was later reproduced, with addition of a translation into English, by H. B. Sarkar (), who apparently did not realize that the two plates do not belong together. All of the known plates were edited, with translation into Dutch, by F. H. van Naerssen in his dissertation (). This edition was later reproduced, almost identically, with an English translation taking the place of the Dutch (). This second publication by van Naerssen is furnished with excellent illlustrations. The text is re-edited by Arlo Griffiths, Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan & Marine Schoettel based on photographs of the plates.

31-32 XXIV 82-101 VIII 58-61 1-8 88-8911 56 244 44-45A71 192-193 51122 II21-23 LXIII 92-93183